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The magnificent and opulent palace stood in the middle of the kingdom overlooking the land of Astrella...a kingdom ruled by the Scarlet Moon Coven of the Lunarian empire

The people of Astrella adored their King and Queen and their two beloved Prince..the kingdom unlike Astraxus prospered under the rule of their King...who was now bedridden due to an ailment...and thus the talks of making the prince take the crown had begun

And we speak..the eldest prince of Astrella...a handsome young man of twenty seven...stood in the balcony attached to his chamber.. sipping on his wine....when he noticed the silver glimmery winged creature making its way towards him.... His raven orbs glowed red as the phoenix sat on his held out arm with him murmuring a soft

' What is the bratty prince upto?'

We need help

The Prince's smile faltered at the message...as he quickly rushed back inside his chamber grabbing his bow and arrow before moving towards the phoenix... his eyes glowing blue and red...the silver bird mirroring those colors as he breathed out

' Take me to him'


' Min Yoongi shi'

Yoongi stilled on his tracks when he heard someone calling out his name...he looked aside and saw one of the palace guards

' Oh..You are here? I asked you all to take the night off' Yoongi tried to play it cool

' Yes...but..the Prince ordered us to be here' The guard explained 'But that turned out to be good... we have some intruders '

Yoongi's face paled...' Intruders?'

' Yes...two of them..some of our guards have went behind them....'

' Where are they...take me there!' Yoongi ordered.. the guard nodding frantically before asking Yoongi to follow him


Namjoon was sitting in the garden lost in thoughts when he saw Jin rushing out...

' Jin' He called out making the elder stop and look at him

' Yeah?'

' Are you alright?' Namjoon asked seeing the fear on his face

' Yeah..I am' Jin nodded

' But you-'

' Look...Joo-Prince...I don't have time for this now...we will talk later' So saying Jin ran out leaving a slightly hurt Namjoon back


' Taehyung'

Taehyung pulled back from Jungkook's embrace..the Prince's arm quickly wrapping around the elder's waist protectively as they both stared at the new face

'Lee Minhyuk shi?' Taehyung mumbled..remembering the healer ' What are you doing here?'

' The guards are hurrying this way... quickly get into my cart ' Minhyuk said frantically as he pointed at the horse cart behind him

Jungkook and Taehyung shared an uncertain look with each other

' Hurry!!' Minhyuk urged them and knowing well that there is no way out of here.. both of them quickly got into the cart and Minhyuk drove right away

' What were you both doing in the wood at this time?' Minhyuk tilted his head a bit to look at them..

' I wanted some fresh air' Jungkook replied coyly

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