1. Memory

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I remember crawling over a white bed sheet as a baby boy. The memory is hazy, like an old photograph that's faded and blurred around the edges. My little hands brushed against a dusty book as I moved across the bed. I can almost make out some of the words on the pages when I try to focus, but they slip away as soon as I grasp at them. The rest of the memory dissolves into fragments-a flash of light, the softness of the sheet, the musty smell of the old tome. I strain to recall anything more, but the memory has become ephemeral. All that remains are these scattered glimpses, blurred and indistinct, like looking through a foggy window into the past.


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I opened my eyes to the familiar sight of my bedroom ceiling. As I laid there, still half in dreams, a faded memory came to me - the feel of my tiny hands grasping at the edges of a book, its pages rough under my fingers. The words and title escaped me, blurred by time. I tried to cling to the fragments, but they slipped away like smoke. Where was that book now? Lost, like so much else from my early years.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up, the thin mattress creaking beneath me. I had more pressing matters today. It was my first day at the boarding school, the start of a new chapter. One I would have to write alone.

My parents were only ghosts to me now - a portrait on the wall, frozen smiles from a time before they were taken too soon. I envied the children who would be dropped off by mothers and fathers. But I couldn't dwell on what I didn't have.

Throwing open the curtains, I steadied myself. A new day was dawning, and with it, a chance to find where I belonged. Chin up, I went to get ready. The sadness could wait - I had a future to discover.

I took a bath and put on my school uniform. I faced the mirror looking at myself. A pressed white shirt with a black tie with brown blazer over it and dark brown trouser. It was a normal high school uniform. I looked towards the portrait on the wall. My parents who left me when I was three months old and my grandparents who left me when I was 12. Ever since then, I lived all by myself surviving on the scholarship and little jobs that I used to do.

I looked at some other potrait in my room. A portrait of my father with his expedition team. My father was an archaeologist and this potrait was of his last mission. My grandmother told me he died during this mission.

My mother had some disease. She died after a three months of my birth leaving me to my grandparents.

I entered the hall of my house. There was a egg which my grandfather gave me. It never hatched ever since he gifted me. I gave up on it after few months.

I thought to try on the egg once again. I placed it in my luggage  and left my house. I locked the door and took a walk to the bus station.

I took the bus to the academy where I was heading. I found many high school students in similar uniform as me. I seated myself in a corner seat and watched the landscape changing during the journey.


The bus stopped near the Undella Town. This town was far from my home in Asprita city. All the students entered the marine tube from where we had to walk to the Blueberry Academy. On the way, we spotted few Pokemon from the marine tube. Jellicents, basculin, mantine, frillish, alomomola, walmers were mostly swimming in the waters. Only a few Wailord could be spotted from far. Many of the students were amazed by sights of this Pokemons. There were two paths in marine tube - one could lead to Hamilau town and other to Blueberry Academy. When we took the later path we saw a lot of Pokemons freely swimming in the water. Many close-up shots of Wailord, Milotic, Jellicent, Octerilly and Mantine. I captured many shots in my phone. I could imagine how beautiful this world of Pokemons could be. These sights were really so beautiful.

Finally we reached the Blueberry Academy. From the entrance of the Academy, I could see that the Academy was somewhere in the middle of Unovan Ocean. The Academy seemed to have some wall protecting the entire place. The teacher who accompanied us in marine tube checked if all the students had made it to the entrance. Most of the students were tired. The way to the Academy was surely longer than one could have expected, but it was quite enjoyable route as one could see beautiful oceans.

The teacher asked us to follow her to the entrance hall of the Academy

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The teacher asked us to follow her to the entrance hall of the Academy. The students gathered in the entrance hall. An old man with a hat on his head gave a speech. He was perhaps the director of the Blueberry Academy. His name as he stated was Mr Cyrano. The teacher who had brought us to the school spoke up after the director's speech.

“Good morning everyone. Welcome to the Blueberry Academy. My name is Briar and I am going to be homeroom teacher of class 1-A. As a history teacher at the school I will guide you all for next three years.”

Another teacher came up and introduced himself. They introduced themselves as homeroom teacher of various classes. I wondered in which class I might be, who would be my classmate? Will I be able to get friends here?

As the ceremony ended. Everyone headed to their classes. The teachers guided the students to their classes. It seemed that my homeroom teacher was Miss Briar of 1-A.

In the class 1-A there were total 29 students. The school divided the students in six sections. Probably meaning that in the first year there are 174 students. The school is quite big and has larger campus than most schools. It is one of the top tier school not only in Unova but also in overall world. I had my primary education in Asprita city so in comparison to that school this one was definitely bigger.

Miss Briar entered the classroom with kind smile. She placed two suitcases before the class on her table. Then she spoke in calm voice.

“Dear students, here we would proceed the class after a short ceremony. These suitcases here contain 29 Pokemons. So you all have to choose your partner. Be careful with the choices you will have. This is going to be your first Pokemon so I wish you all the best.”

She then opened the suitcase and as the two suitcases opened. Everyone saw the 29 shining pokeballs. Many students were quite excited and few were nervous. I was quite excited myself but there was a girl who was neither excited nor did she was looking nervous. She was sitting quietly on her seat.

I waited for three turns and then Miss Briar called me.

“Aki. Please make your choices.”

I stood from my seat. I looked before the two suitcases with 26 pokeballs. I was feeling nervous as this had to be a crucial decision. I moved my hand towards the left suitcase on the table and made my choice, I touched a pokeball. And a creature appeared out of it.


Author's note

Hello readers,  I hope you enjoy reading this fanfiction. 

Thank you

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