16. This girl is crazy!

22 2 0

Aki's POV:-

The school exam have started. Today I had history exam. All of the students in our class were currently sitting on their respective seats. Miss Briar distributed question paper and answer sheets.

I held the question paper in my hands. The bell rang and the exam started.

I took my pen and began writing on the answer sheet. There were lot of questions to be answered in given time of two hours. I kept looking at my watch after every twenty minutes in between.

After a brief period of one hour fifty minutes, I finished writing most questions in the paper. The bell rang ten minutes later and Miss Briar collected all the answer sheets.

"Damn. It was tough!"

Ryan began to complain.

"I agree," Marlon agreed with Ryan's complaints.

"What do you think Aki?"

"I don't know. I just kept looking at time."

"What do you think William?"

"It was good."

"What! There were so many difficult questions!"

"I think difficulty level is subjective. Things we find hard, he might find them easy and vice versa." I replied.

"Yeah, William is a bookworm." Ryan concluded.

William didn't mind being called bookworm or so. The discussion continued as everyone left after the classes after exam.

On the way back, Marlon, Ryan and William decided to go back to their dorms. I had decided to stop at the school library as it is peaceful place to study for next exam.

At the library, we were required to keep our Pokemon in Pokeballs and if Pokemon are out they should maintain the decorum. I decided to keep them in Pokeballs since they would end up in fight and I would be kicked out of the library.

I found a nice table and chair. There was already someone sitting on the other chair beside the table.

"Hey Kathy!"

Kathy was sitting alone. There were few books on the table belonging to her. There was no Pokemon beside her so she must have kept them in Pokeballs.


"Do you study here?"

"Yes I do. I always come here to study."

"Is it fine with me studying here as well?"

"I don't mind."

I sat on the chair opposite to hers. I placed my books on the same table.

There was silence in the room. Both of us were studying the same material but seperately. When I finished a set of questions from my textbook I glanced over Kathy.

Kathy was writing in her notebook. I took a glance of her handwriting. It was beautiful and neat. I could say she must have practiced calligraphy.

"What happened?"

She noticed my gaze. She stopped writing.

"Ah. Did you practice calligraphy?"

"Yes I did for an year."

"Your writing is beautiful."

"Thank you."

Her response were kind of blunt. She wasn't in mood of taking compliments.

"Your handwriting is not bad I guess."

Talking about my handwriting? Well my every letter looks different. Some 'e' are italics, while others are either straight or weird. My handwriting was atleast understandable to me I suppose.

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