13. Two rivals

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Aki's POV:-

I was walking towards the League club's battle court. I had left Kathy and William in the League club room. I had got a message from the same unknown person again. This time the message was

[League club's battle court]

A short message indicating me to reach this designated place. I told Kathy and William that I am heading to this place before them. On reaching I found two students.

“Hello. Your Battle Science class is over already?”


The two students were the members of student council, Han and Ananya. There were two Pokemons alongside them. Han was standing with Azumarill while Ananya was standing with Roserade. It looked like they had reached this place just few moments earlier.

“A junior student is here. I remember you from the tournament. Are you Aki?”

“Yes I am Aki, Ananya.”

“You remember me well. Are you here for the League club challenge?”

“No. I am not for the challenge.”


I saw Ananya being curious about my presence in the club battlefield. The two senior students were waiting for my answer.

“I want to join the League club.”

The two girls looked shocked with the answer. Ananya gave a giggle.

“Ha ha ha. I didn't expected you to accept the president's offer this soon.”

Han agreed with Ananya.

“I am not accepting president's offer. I am just joining the League club but not the challenge.”

“You didn't found any other student to participate in the challenge? Don't worry you can take your time to get someone.”

“Sorry but as I said I don't have intention to challenge the Student council.”

Ananya gave a sigh.

“Maybe that's why President is interested in you.”

Ananya took my club card and gave me the membership for League club.

“As of now, your rankings in the League club is the lowest. If you battle the other members your rankings might increase. If you are in top 20 you might be able to join the student council.”

Han broke her silence.

“May I ask you something?”


“What changed your mind?”

“It's my personal will.”

I thought League club had lot benefits and I could go to new places as they hold a lot of trips. I could find a lot more Pokemons then I will find here in Blueberry Academy. I don't find any disadvantage of joining the club.


Han didn't looked convinced with the answer. She avoided to ask more questions.

“Well before the challengers come here, may I talk with you Han?”

“Yes I am listening.”

I thought I was being the third party here so I decided to leave them.

“Wait Aki. I have want to talk with you too.”

Ananya stopped me from going anywhere.

“So Han, are you aiming for the President seat next year?”

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