4. My first Battle

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"Sprigatito fire leafage straight on Froakie."

Following my command, Sprigatito did the same. She moved away from Mudkip and attacked the Froakie. Tepig got back on it's feet.

"Tepig use tackle on Sprigatito."

Tepig rushed towards Sprigatito.

"Totodile use Scratch on Tepig."
"Mudkip use water gun"

Mudkip interrupted Totodile to advance towards Tepig. Tepig hit Sprigatito. Sprigatito called in pain.


Sprigatito got back to her feet.

Tepig is interrupting us. Let's finish it first.

"Sprigatito scratch!"
"Tepig Tackle again!"

Sprigatito hit it's attack before Tepig. Tepig's tackle missed.

"Sprigatito let's finish it with another scratch!"

With this another move Tepig was done for. It fainted. Takuya gritted his teeth as he lost.

The critical damage by Scorbunny did helped.

On the other hand, the battle continued between Mudkip and Totodile. Mudkip was interrupting Totodile each time it advanced towards it. The battle between Scorbunny and Froakie was even the same.

Now it's the chance.

"Sprigatito use leafage on Froakie"

"Froakie tackle Scorbunny and finish it off."

"Scorbunny tackle!"

Sprigatito's attack missed. The two tackled each other. Scorbunny was already exhausted and it fainted. Ryan rushed to the field and got it back.

"Sprigatito leafage!"

"Froakie water gun"

The two attacks clashed. They had equal power. Totodile finally landed a scratch on the Mudkip. It seemed that both of them were now equally damaged. I shifted my focus on Sprigatito.

"Sprigatito jump and attack leafage on Mudkip."

I decided to shift my opponents so that I can get them down easily.

"Hey! Froakie water gun."

Sprigatito jumped and used leafage. Due to its speed it was able to pull the attack. The attack hit Mudkip whose Water gun was interrupted. Totodile got advantage and landed a scratch. Mudkip fainted. In the process, Sprigatito got hit by water gun but it was not very effective.

"Let's combine our moves, Marlon. Sprigatito use leafage."

"Yeah. Use Scratch Totodile."

"Dodge it. Tackle the Sprigatito!"

Froakie escaped from leafage and scratch. It advanced towards my partner. Totodile was trying to attack.

"Totodile Water gun!"

Marlon commanded Totodile. Totodile was trying to use this move. It could not use it. Sprigatito was hit and she fainted. I rushed to get her.

"You did good job."


She returned to her Pokeball. Froakie moved to tackle Totodile this time.

"Totodile water gun!"

Why is he commanding it to do that move? Totodile has not learnt it yet -

Totodile was firing a stream of water towards Froakie who flew away.

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