24. Oiling up

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Aki's POV:-

"Floragato is intelligent and dexterous. The flower bud on its neck is on the tip of a long vine. Floragato specializes in attacking by deftly manipulating this vine to strike opponents with the hard flower bud on the end. The hardness of Floragato's fur depends on the Pokémon's mood. When Floragato is prepared to battle, its fur becomes pointed and needle sharp."

That's a lot of information from pokedex but that means I need to take care of her mood. Her fur is definitely quite long and she still has that Sprigatito behaviour. They say some Pokemon have their personality change after evolution. I think if that's true then there should be some change in Florgato as well as I believe.


Definitely it's her voice. I think that's obvious.


She was sleeping on my lap like a nice cat waiting for me to pat her head like I used to when she was just Sprigatito. I moved my hand over her head. My fingers got quite hidden under the fur.


She was still the same adorable cat. I smiled. I looked up at the pokedex trying to check more about her while stroking her head.

Hmm dexterous they say.

They might have meant how it hides her vine under her fur.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

A call right now?

It was already pretty late at night but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the person calling.


"Hello meet me tomorrow at the cafe."

The phone was cut off.


Florgato had already fallen asleep. I put my pokedex back on the table and decided to sleep.


It was weekend so I had a lot of time and so I was waiting for the person who called me last night. I found it quite surprising that she was waiting for me already at the cafe. She was wearing shirt which was oversized and baggy jeans. Her fingers moved over her phone screen.


"Have a seat."


Florgato sat next to me and the girl's focus shifted from her phone to Florgato. The girl spoke in her usual friendly tone.

"Your Spaghetti evolved."



"Yeah whatever."

She kept her phone back on the table.

"Well Miss Ananya."

"Hey fear not. I am not angry after that incident, rather I am impressed."


"Actually I realised my flaws and also I understood why president counted on you."

President again?


She looked disappointed.


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