6. Getting along

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Aki's POV:

"Hey Aki your face?"
"You got scratches by Sprigatito? Haha haha."
"Look at you. You got more bandages than me."

Well, this is ....

Argh!!!!! Sprigatito!!!

It's too embarrassing.

I was wearing a mask in the school but the bandage on my forehead was clearly visible. If they asked me about it, I could have said that I got a fever and I just had hurt myself on door. But.....

Marlon told them everything!



Kathy's POV:

It looked like everyone had trouble getting along with their partners. Some students had fights with their partners. It even looked like some students got scratched by their partners or by their friend's partner.

I sighed. I am the same too.

My partner Snivy is not particularly interested in anything. She is mostly inside her pokeball and appears only when she is hungry. I try to get a long with it but it doesn't works.

If only I knew it's likes and dislikes I could have.

Asking others to help?

I could not ask for help as these people themselves seemed to have trouble getting along with their partners. I had no friends in particular as I didn't approached anyone in class.

I had only talked to Sia and Mona out of all the girls. But even they had troubles with their partners. Well from boys?

Let's not talk about it.

I must seek the teacher's help. I had asked Miss Briar beforehand that I had something to talk about. I took this opportunity of lunch break to ask her my doubts.

I found her in the staff room. I asked permission to enter.

"Come in."

"Miss Briar, I want your advice."

"Yes dear."

Miss Briar closed the book she was reading and looked towards me waiting for me to speak.

"It's about my Pokemon. My partner is always in her pokeball. She only appears for the meals. There is almost no progress at all."

Miss Briar listened to my queries. She paused a brief moment.

"It's just five days since you got your first Pokemon. It may take time to get along with your partner. Sometimes it do take a month or so to make your Pokemon comfortable around you."

"But there is tournament in two days."

"It's fine. You should not worry about that. There would be more opportunities later on. This school does focus more on Pokemon battles but that doesn't mean that you should force yourself into the battle. I even gave you a week time so that you would get along."

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