17. Unseen situation

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Aki's POV:-

"Yay! The exams are finally over!"

I heard Ryan being happy after the last midterm exam. Everyone was relieved after the end of exams. It's just like some pressure has lessened.

I had decided that I would try to strengthen my bond with my Pokemons for today and spending more time with them. After catching Rufflet, I had to yet to learn Rufflet's likes-dislikes and similarly a lot more about him and Sprigatito.

I was operating my phone and found some club related stuff in school app.

As I was the member of the League club, I could check my personal ranking in school but my ranking was not visible as I had never battles someone from the club after joining. I could only see the top 20 rankers of the league club who were the members of student council. The application displayed it like:-

1) Alisa
2) Hoon
3) Ilse
4) Katherine
5) Mark
6) Ron
7) Andrew
8) Jean
9) Casey
10) Jack
11) Brandon
12) Berke
13) David
14) Aya
15) Yash
16) Hilbert
17) Siddharth
18) Ananya
19) Han
20) Aoi

Few rankings changed from last time. During the tournament, Mark was 10th but now he is 5th. Similarly rankings of Han, Ananya and Casey are changed as well. There are always some changes in the rankings.

The rank 2 to rank 5 were considered to be the Elite four of the Blueberry league which the school holds. The president is rank 1 and holds title of the champion of the league and there are trials for every battle against the Elite four and Champion.

As I closed the application, William approached me.

"Hey Aki. Would you tag along back to dorms?"

"Sure. Let's go."

Ryan and Marlon who had decided to have Pokemon battle after the exam. They had already left. William for some reason didn't wanted to battle and I wanted to spend my day with my Pokemons. We refused when Ryan had asked us so now we were heading back home.

Sprigatito was sitting on my shoulder as we walked to our dorms. Similarly Froakie sat on William's shoulder.

"Well is Froakie getting along with Elekid?"

"Yes they are getting along. I think your Sprigatito and Rufflet must be getting along as well."

"Kind of."

I could not tell him about the daily fights in my dorm room.

"Rufflet is now fine, right?"

"Yes he is totally fine. He can fly very well."

"That's good. Why are we going this way to dorms?"

“I want to buy some medicines for Rufflet. It's wings need more care.”

I intended to take the route to the Pokemon dispensary to buy Rufflet medicine.

On the way, there was some chaos before Pokemon centre.

“Hurry! Hurry!”

“What's going on here?”

A lot of Pokemons were brought to the Pokemon centre. Most of them were in highly injured state.

There were many Luvdisc, Alomomola, Pikipek, Seviper, Zangoose and Horsea. These Pokemon usually were found in Coastal Biome of the Terarium.

One of the nurses explained it to me.

“There was some fight in Coastal Biome. Usually it's Zangoose or Seviper as they are known for fights but this time it's different. The Kingdra-Tentacruel who are usually calm were attacking others. Similarly, Slaking and Crabrawler attacked the land Pokemons.”

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