7. Tournament I

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Aki's POV:-

Today we had no lectures. A training tournament was announced by Miss Briar on the first day was scheduled today.

All the students were gathered in the school's auditorium. There were three teachers standing on the podium. There were few upperclassmen too. Among the upperclassman, three of them were girls and the other four were boys.

Miss Briar addressed the students, "So everyone here is ready? The tournament will began today! These seven students are your seniors, the members of League club who organised this tournament. They would be your referees. We teachers will be keeping records and would be providing guidance. So we have got seven battle courts available for this. The volunteers will take to the battle court."

One of the volunteers came before and addressed everyone.

"Hello everyone! I am Mark from the League club. I am ranked 10 in the rankings. The volunteers have divided few groups of students. The groups should follow the volunteer to the battle court assigned. You will get to know the class ranking starting from the 10th match. There would be an additional reward for the first three ranks. The council has decided this to encourage the first years."

There was an absentee among the students. There were only 28 students. One girl as I remember had a fever and could not participate due that. We would be having 27 matches only as a result.

That's lot too.

Taking an ideal outcome, if one wins 27 matches and gets first position the amount of rewards are too high. The students were more encouraged due to the amount of rewards. I hope I get one too was all I wished.

There were some rules for the tournament which I read.

1) If the participant is not in the battle court within the given time. The participant would be disqualified.

2) Unfair means used during battle will result in disqualification and that participant will not be awarded any reward. There would be a fine issued from such participants.

The volunteers completed their introduction. I was assigned a group to the volunteer named Han. She was a girl who was ranked 20 in the League club and was a part of student council too. They said that only the top 20 students of the League club could become the members of student council. That being said, she had the lowest ranking among all the other members.

I saw the list of my group.

Group D [Round 1]

Volunteer:- Han



The group had only four members. We were assigned a battle court. My first match was against Sia and the second one was against Kiara while the final one was against Max. We all had grass type starters. Sia had Rowlet, Kiara had Chikorita and Max had Treecko.

If I look for type advantage, we had similar type of Pokemon but Sia had an advantage. Rowlet was flying type too. If her Pokemon knew flying type move it could cause me trouble. Our match was the first one so I got ready.

Han stood between the court waiting for us to take our position and start. We took our positions and commanded our Pokemons into the field!

"Begin!" Han gave instructions.

"Rowlet Leafage!"

"Scratch! Sprigatito"

By using scratch I got the type of my Pokemon changed to normal type. That was my plan.

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