19. The bet

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Aki's POV:-

A lot of students had gathered in the League club battle court. A match between two members of student council is surely must watch for most students. A lot of students from my class were also present at the battle court. Ryan and Marlon were standing near me looking forward for the match.

"Aki? How is William now?"

"He is resting in infirmary."

"Aria! Over here!"

Aria who asked me about William's condition was called out by some of the girls of the class. Kathy and Sia were near the other side of the court.

Soon after most of the student council members gathered. I was trying to search the council President. A familiar figure from the Student council stood between the two trainers. He was Mark, currently ranked 5th and the Student Council Media Officer as well as the Elite four from Polar Biome.

"Listen everyone! This student council official match would be between Ananya rank 18 against Han rank 19. I would be the referee for this match. Are the challengers okay with that?"


"Then let's began! The official Student council match!"

"Krookodile, Pachirisu go!"

"Malamar, and Toucannon go!"

"Krookodile use Stone edge! Pachirisu Discharge!"

Krookodile created stone walls towards the Han's side. The electric current reflected the stone wall advancing towards the opposite side.

"Toucannon prepare yourself! Malamar Night slash!"

Malamar swayed it's scythe-like fins countering the electric currents away. Toucannon heated it's beak and launched an attack.

"Toucannon beak blast!"

Toucannon flew towards Krookodile and plucked it's beak on Krookodile's snout. The bully of sands got burned due to the heat generated by big bill bird.

"Krookodile foul play! Pachirisu Discharge!"

"Malamar stop that Pachirisu with Night slash. Toucannon drill peck."

Malamar swayed it's fins and slashed Pachirisu. Toucannon advanced it's large beak towards Krookodile. Krookodile slammed it's tail against the Toucannon beak's point clashing against it. The two kept on clashing at each other.

"Pachirisu draining kiss!"

Pachirisu gestured a kiss towards Malamar draining it's health.

"Malamar psycho cut!"

Malamar swayed it's fins hitting Pachirisu and thus creating some distance. The kiss healed Pachirisu. Toucannon and Krookodile moved away from each other after clashing several times.

"Toucannon beak blast!"

After numerous clashes Toucannon had heated it's beak once again. This time hitting Krookodile's belly.

"Krookodile Crunch!"

Krookodile grabs the bird in its jaws as if it's eating raw chicken. The bird screams in pain and faints. Krookodile is hurt with burn and faints.


Ryan's eyes shone at the sight of the match between two seniors.

"Return Krookodile. Have some rest. Go get them Azumarill!"

Azumarill entered the field hiding something in its one hand.

"Come back Toucannon you did good job. Show them Chandelure!"

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