14. Birds on the Rock

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Aki's POV:-

Nearly four weeks have passed since I joined this school. My daily life is filled with some kind of trouble these days. Sprigatito had trouble with the alarm clock but now she has adjusted to the sound of the clock. Sometimes Sprigatito gets sweet treat in the cafeteria. This causes me trouble as she can hardly stop if she gets anything sweet. Convincing this cat to stop can be troublesome.

Today was Sunday. There were no classes arranged for the day. The students can study, enjoy or train their Pokemons. I had my plans for today too. And my plans for today were well...

1) Prepare for exams

2) Keeping Sprigatito away from sweets

3) Sleep

I had no more plans than this. Yesterday the teacher had announced the exam schedule. The exam was two weeks later from this day. There was still time but taking care of your Pokemon can give you little less free time.

Why I am thinking like I am complaining a lot?

The second plan.... Well I should not mention the word sweet before her. She gets crazy over few sweets. Marlon and I were able to manage the embarrassment before the tournament. The scratch marks healed quickly within the week but I didn't wanted a part two this time when Sprigatito is stronger than before.

And the third plan... Probably the best one. Sunday are meant for rest anyway.

I was about to turn a page from my notebook that someone knocked my door.

Who could it be?

Sprigatito was sleeping on the bed so I opened the door to find William standing before me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, please come inside."

I brought the guest inside the room. I asked him to sit on the chair in the room. I sat on the bed. The cat woke up and adjusted herself on my lap to sleep. She gave a yawn and slept.

"Your room is clean."

"Thanks. Well Sprigatito hates mess too."

Yes for some reason this cat hates to make mess. She seems to love cleanliness. If she finds trash she mewls asking me to put it in the can.

"It looks a lot cleaner than Marlon's. His room is always a mess."

Sprigatito mewled something in her language. She seemed to be listening to our conversation. I stroked my hand against her fur.

"Well what brings you here today?"

I asked William his reasons to be in my room.

"I think we should catch some Pokemon in Savanna Biome."

That means I will be having a change in my today's plan.

"Why do you think so?"

"You know Marlon caught two Pokemons. Many of our classmates have caught more than two. I think we should give a try. We are in the League club and this school focuses on double battles."

The main reason for this could be his loss against Han. He does really want to be in the student council.



"Why do you want to get into the student council?"

I asked my doubts to him. I never got any answer regarding this from Kathy as well. Three days ago, she showed me her newly caught Trapinch. I didn't asked her about it.

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