8. Tournament II

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Third person's POV:-

Casey, the member of the League club asked the two participants to get ready for the battle.

Aki and Kathy took their positions on the field. Snivy and Sprigatito hoped in the field. They looked each other determined for the aim of victory. Snivy's eyes sharped. Casey gave instructions to start.


"Snivy vine whip."

"Sprigatito leafage."

Snivy launched her vine and slam it on the ground to dodge the incoming leafage. She advanced towards Sprigatito. She slapped Sprigatito with her vine.

"Sprigatito! Scratch now!"

Seeing that Snivy's guard was down Sprigatito scratched her. Snivy fell on the ground.


Snivy stood up back. Her eyes got more sharper as she stood. Her eyes looked as if she was glaring at the cat.

"Sprigatito Leafage!"

"Snivy vine whip!"

Snivy used same method to dodge the leafage by slamming vine on the ground. This time she didn't attack Sprigatito. Snivy got back to the ground.

"Snivy grab her in your vines!"

Kathy gave unexpected instructions to her Snivy. Snivy's vines grabbed Sprigatito. Sprigatito was stuck.

"Sprigatito scratch it away."

"Snivy hold her tightly."

Sprigatito's forelimbs were stuck with her. Snivy increased the strength of her vines grabbing the little cat tightly.

"Snivy don't let her escape."

"Sprigatito try scratching with your lower limbs."

Sprigatito brought her lower paws towards the vine. Sprigatito tried to scratch but scratching with her lower limbs was not easy for her. All of sudden, Snivy's strength increased. Sprigatito cried out in pain.

"That's a different move?"

"That move is wrap." Casey informed Kathy and Aki.

By the amount of force Snivy was putting on her opponent she learnt this move.

"Snivy! Wrap!"

Snivy once again increased her strength and tightly hurt the poor cat. The cat cried in pain.

"Sprigatito use hone claws!"

Sprigatito sharped her lower limbs nails. The wrapping effect was still lingering causing the weed cat pain.

"Again! Use it again!"

Sprigatito sharped them again.

"Try scratch now!"

Sprigatito scratched away the vine cutting them. She sharpened her forelimb nails to scratch away Snivy's vines.

"Snivy! Wrap."

Snivy launched her vine once again towards Sprigatito.

"Hone claws! Scratch those vines away!"

With her sharpened claws, Sprigatito cut the vines.

"Sprigatito leafage."

"Snivy tackle."

Snivy's vines were damaged. She ran towards Sprigatito. Sprigatito launched leafage which hit Snivy. Snivy tackled Sprigatito.

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