20. Confession

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Kathy's POV:-

Han was standing between the battlefield. Her voice was loud and clear.

"I have a crush on William of class 1-A."

The gossips started among all the classes. All the students of different classes were searching for this person.

Soon Ananya teased, "Oh is that the younger brother of the previous student council president?"

"I think the bet is over now."

"Aw. It would be better if you made confession straight to the person now."

The first year girls spoke among themselves.

"Hey, William is in infirmary right?"

"Yeah. He is too popular now."

"I heard Aria likes him too."

"Now she has a competitor. I wonder what her reaction might be."

I saw Aria looking towards Han. She wasn't involved in the gossips currently but was trying to dodge them as the girls near her tried to talk to her.

"Well well. Let's bring William so that we will hear his answer to your confession."

"Stop it Ananya. He is not coming here."

"Are you sure about that?"

Ananya signalled towards the first year boys standing in the audience. Aki moved away from the boys to reveal William standing behind Aki.


"Oh yeah! We have the confessed guy over here. Now let's see his answer. We are gonna get a nice couple here everyone! Let's hear the answer from William himself."

"Stop Ananya. The bet is already over," Ilse interrupted.

"Yeah it is already over but the confession made by Han needs an answer, doesn't it?"

"I thought you were good, Aki since the president trusted you."

Aki stood there with his mouth shut.

"You can't blame your junior like that, Han. He is trusted by the president after all."

"Would you please stop calling me that? I ain't trusted by the president. I never met her and why don't we listen William's answer? I think you would be pleased to hear that Miss Ananya."

"Yeah. Definitely!"

"William please tell your answer."

Aki asked William to speak.

"Miss Han.."

William spoke in weak voice. He was not clearly well.

"I like you. Please go out with me."


Ananya looked surprised and confused. This was probably not the answer sheet expected. On the other hand, Han was speechless and had tears in her eyes. The first year girls near Aria were looking at Aria.


Han replied with happiness on her face.

"Miss Ananya doesn't look pleased with the answer?" Aki teased Ananya.

"What? W-Why will I not be pleased? My best friend's love is answered so I am much happy now."

Aki closed his distance with Ananya and whispered.

Aki spoke in clear voice.

"The student council match has ended with clear results. So I ask the Media Officer to conclude this with final judgement."

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