9. Winning streak

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Aki's POV:-

William continued his winning streak with the tenth victory. He had won 10/10 matches. Currently from the class, he had the most victories.

Han was telling us the current class stats which she had got. I saw my name in second as I only lost two match. I found three names in third position. Kathy and Aria who had lost three matches each. If his winning streak continues he would be getting the ideal outcome that is of winning all 27 matches.

William had a match with Marlon and Kathy in previous rounds, he defeated both of them. He was still continuing his winning streak even in his fourth round.

The eleventh matchup was announced between Alex and William. Alex was fifth with five loses.

Han asked the trainers to take their positions. The two trainers and their partner Pokemon seemed ready for the match.


The two trainers looked determined while their Pokemons seemed ready for action.


“Pikachu thunder shock!”

“Froakie dodge it and go for a tackle.”

Froakie was as agile as Pikachu and he dodged the electric surge and directed the hit towards the opponent.

“Pikachu quick attack.”

Pikachu hastened and crashed with Froakie who was thrown away.


“Pikachu thunder shock.”

Pikachu jumped to attack and a beam of visible electricity struck Froakie. Froakie was electrocuted by the use of this move.

“Pikachu quick attack!”

“Froakie water gun!”

Froakie fired stream of water towards the mouse Pokemon. The Pokemon dodged it and came closer to the Frog Pokemon.

“Froakie dodge it!”

Froakie avoided being hit by Pikachu.

“Pikachu use thunder shock!”

Pikachu jumped over the frog Pokemon trying to hit it's current. Froakie avoided most of the shock. Pikachu stopped it's attack.

“Froakie water gun!”

Froakie fired the stream in air. Pikachu who was exactly above him fell behind avoiding water type move to hit. The frog Pokemon stopped firing the move. Some drops of water fell on Froakie completely wetting the little frog.

“Pikachu! Thunder shock!”

This time the frog Pokemon was hit with the move. Pikachu hoped to the ground after hitting the move. It was a critical hit!

“Froakie! Tackle.”

The frog Pokemon could not move. There were currents on his body making him immobile.

“Huh? Froakie?”

“Pikachu finish this with quick attack.”

“Froakie dodge it!”

The frog Pokemon tried his best to avoid the move but due to weird currents running on his body he couldn't avoid Pikachu's fast move which hit him and he fainted.


The frog Pokemon had lost this match. William lost his first match in the tournament against Alex.

Alex and Pikachu were happy to destroy the winning streak of their opponent. Han was surprised to see William losing.

William walked towards Han to heal his partner. I tried to approach him after the match.

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