15. This Girl is something!

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Aki's POV:-

The school midterm exams are supposed to start within five days. I had began my preparation already. I had pulled an all nighter last night and so..


This was the fifth yawn since the morning.

“Good morning William.”

“Good morning.”

“Are you fine?”


William had a week long absence. He fell sick last week. His conditions were not good when we found Rufflet last week. He skipped classes the next day and today was when he has started to reappear in the classroom.

This week was pretty much normal. I caught a Rufflet starting this week. It grew closer to me since I started taking care of it. Sprigatito had also been friendly towards Rufflet. It was going nicer until last night. They both ended up in fight during the dinner.

Pokemons are tough to understand. I wonder what they might be thinking. Sometimes I fail to understand Sprigatito and Rufflet but I will understand them sooner or later.

William finished his conversation with Ryan and then he stopped near my desk.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning Aki. Thank you for helping me past week. I am sorry for the trouble I caused you.”

“No it's okay. You are fine now right?”


Last week, Ryan bought few medicines for William and had accompanied him to infirmary. On the other hand, I cooked for him as he was too weak to cook for himself. I thought eating ordered food might not be good.

“It's okay to rely on friends. If you need help you can ask me, Ryan or others for help.”


With that William turned away to his seat. He looked normal like other days. I think he really is fine now.

The first lecture of the class started. No sooner did the teacher entered the class then the bell rang.


It was the class break. I had club activities but I never went to club room lot. On my first day of club activities, I kinda slacked off and then the exams were announced so the club activities were on halt.

I was sitting on a bench with Sprigatito and Rufflet. Sprigatito was playing with her tail. Rufflet was dozing. Sprigatito spun around and hit Rufflet waking him up. The two ended up in fight again. I calmed them. The break had just started and I was feeling lazy. I might just doze at any moment.

I yawned. I lost the count since the first lecture. I could hardly keep myself awake during the lecture. This was first time I ever pulled an all-nighter. Earlier I used to be too scared to be awake at night.

I soon heard some growling sound. Sprigatito and Rufflet were staring at me. They must be hungry.

“Let's go to canteen.”

I yawned when I stood up. I stretched my arms a bit. I must go to wash my face once again.

With the dreamy eyes I walked towards the washroom.


I fell down on my butt.


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