15 | The New Criminal Profiler

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Song - Today's update has two themes:

1. Petta Theme (Instrumental)


15 | The New Criminal Profiler

"Sahib, Joseph Varghese sir is here."

"Let him in."

Karim nodded his head and turned around to strut out of his boss's office.

Sixty seconds later, a soft yet systematic rapping came from the locked entranceway of Mahadevan's posh workspace. "Come in." He directed.

Immediately, the lofty Brazilian Rosewood door unbolted to reveal a tall man in an olive-green turtleneck, black trousers, and a pair of Chelsea boots. Flashing a genial smile at him, he walked in.

Noticing this, Mahadevan stood up to greet him. "Good morning, Your Grace." He said poker faced.

"A sun-kissed hello to the Chieftain of the Dogra clan from my side as well." Joseph Varghese greeted him back wittily.

Minimizing the Excel sheets on his MacBook, Mahadevan flashed a faint smile and ambled closer to the man in front of him. "Coffee, wine, or Scotch?"

"Scotch pila de yaar!" Joseph stated while he was engaged in a firm handshake with his friend.

"On the rocks?"


"Alright." Gesticulating at the davenport in the far left section of the office, Mahadevan said, "How about we settle down with our drinks first and then carry on with our conversation?"

Joseph assented.

A few minutes later, Mahadevan ensconced himself on the single high-headed sofa chair while his bosom friend settled down comfortably on the three-seater sofa, two rock glasses filled with two ounces of the amber-hued distilled spirit, clasped sophisticatedly in each of their right hands.

Taking a sip from his glass, he said. "Now, coming to the main business, why are you here?"

"It's Sebastian's baptism ceremony on the 7th of this month; here is the invitation card." Joseph Varghese said while taking out a short and crisp-looking pale blue envelope from his pants' pocket.

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