27 | The Search At Night

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Song - Skyfall


27 | The Search At Night

11th May 2023

2200 Hrs. |Night|

"Nishchay, this particular space here..." Pointing the sharp tip of the HB pencil at a certain part of the blueprint on the massive work table, Mahadevan continued, "This space between these two finials seems monotonous. It needs to be a lot more organic, so how about we create a quadrant here?"

Nishchay Adhikari was a senior architect at Dogra Corporation, directly working under Mahadevan himself.

Glancing at the space where his superior was pointing, he quietly assessed the arch between the two finials. "Sounds good. If we do add a curve here, it will create an unhindered movement, almost a form of fluidity. It will feel much more natural." He put his point forward.

Mahadevan hummed while tidily rubbing off the previously drawn straight line with an eraser and then replacing it with a clean curve with one dexterous stroke of the pencil in his fingers.

He then lifted his head to catch a glimpse of the old Thomas Tompion clock on the wall. How time had passed for the clock to reflect ten-thirty p.m. on it was something beyond his comprehension. He had drowned himself in work since morning to shut off all the abstruse sentiments that were nitpicking at the core of his worst characteristic traits--- the same ones that had the power to pulverize whatever little he had so gruelingly earned in the last few months.

Two crisp knocks on the door caused him and Nishchay to divert their attention towards the entranceway.

"Enter." He instructed while scrolling through a few more blueprints on his MacBook.

Shortly after, Karim entered the majestic Victorian-era office with a cell phone in his hand and Manoramaa on his trail.

"Sahib." Karim bowed his head in respect.

"Sir." Manoramaa followed suit with a formal greeting.

The moment Mahadevan's eyes met with those of his most trusted aide, he knew something was up. So with two swift movements of his digits, he shut down the lid of his laptop and then turned around to face the heedless fourth human in his office. "Nishchay, can we discuss this later? I have something else to look after."

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