28 | Cold Hands

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Word Count - 3700

Song - Remembrance Slowed Version (Balmorhea)


28 | Cold Hands

11th May 2023

|2300 Hrs.|

One truth that was hidden from the world outside yet stayed naked to Mahadevan's eyes was the fact that Hinduja was a heavy sleeper. She tried to keep it as discreet as possible, yet-he noticed it. The way she would set at least six to seven alarms before her specified time of waking up in the morning or the way she would set the audio of the video monitor of Anirudh's baby monitor at the highest possible volume, going as far as to keep it right next to her head on the nightstand beside their bed, gave it all away to him.

For him, that was unnatural because, in his mind, he knew that for someone like his wife, whose senses were alert at all times of the day, the habit of heavy sleeping was not something in line with her other traits.

The position she slept in throughout the night was also a little uncanny for him to surmise-dead straight, with her back aligned against the bed, both of her hands lying next to her torso, with not even a single movement of any part of her body.

As if she were a corpse.

Both of those things felt a bit out of order.

But then again, as out of order they were, both of those traits of hers came to his advantage at night. He was a light sleeper, so on some nights when his nightmares would reach the peak of their evilness, when each droplet of his perspiration would trickle down the angled brows of his facial profile, his eyes would automatically open up. And then, after taking a quick glance at her sleeping form beside him, he would bring both of his hands up, turn around on the bed, press his face tightly against the pillow, and muffle his desperate screams through the dense softness of the satiny headrest.

And that is how, with the years that had passed by, he had mastered the art of wading through his nightmares ....in silence.

In moments like those, his own hands were a source of mystery for him. As cold as ice, yet drenched with sweat at the same time. He had long forsaken the refuge of the healthcare system, so googling the symptoms on his phone would often bring him to the doorstep of two different conditions: Palmar hyperhidrosis or Anemia.

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