30 | Think Like A Criminal

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Song - Irulu Neelum Raave (Ezra)

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30 | Think Like A Criminal

20 hours ago.

11th May 2023 [1200 hours]—[Afternoon]

Leveling her left shoulder with the panels of the ancient-looking yet polished wooden doors, Rukmini tried to break through them violently with a loud yelp.

Hinduja sighed while sizing up the sight in front of her eyes. The young woman before her had gone all feral for the last fifteen minutes. "Calm down, Rukmini."

"But ma'am—" Just as the anxious police officer began her speech with an even more anxious tone with hints of frustration while still continuing with her failed attempts to break the doors, she was cut off by the criminal profiler in between.

Taking two steps forward, Hinduja said, "Despite being a really intelligent, smart, and efficient young officer of the department, are you aware of that one quality that you lack the most?"

Worried sick yet confused at the same time, Rukmini massaged her glabella. "What is it, ma'am?"

"Patience." There came a short, crisp, and calm reply, added to which was an even calmer smile—as if nothing was wrong; as if they were not alone and unarmed, locked up inside the office of a priest in an episcopacy somewhere in the northern part of Delhi by God knows who!

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