24 | Tell Me, Who Are You?

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24  |  Tell Me, Who Are You?


10th May 2023 [1700 hrs.]

"Excluding today, we have only twenty-one days more to get hold of the syndicate." Raghav trailed while they ambled out of the stately entranceway of the SIT headquarters.

Hinduja nodded her head. "Yes." She slowly descended down the stairs as he followed alongside her. "The syndicate will execute the last five abductions on May 31st, so that gives us exactly twenty-one days from tomorrow, that is, exactly three weeks, to solve this case. In elementary terms, our deadline is May 31st, so it's either we do it or we die."

Getting down the last step of the cemented perron, they started walking towards the parking lot.

"I don't understand; how is the syndicate operating so immaculately? I mean, we haven't found even a single clue that was left behind by them other than the two profiles and the patterns that you have helped us with, in the last few days. Not coming across even a single piece of evidence; how is this even possible? Could this case be one of those so-called 'perfect crimes' perhaps?" He let out his thoughts as they both stepped inside the parking lot. "Is the investigation moving forward in the wrong direction?"

Hinduja chuckled.

"These serial abductions are not a set of perfect crimes, sir. Rather, they are a set of thoroughly planned patterned crimes. And then again, we have the intent and the motive also." Reaching their respective cars, which were coincidentally parked abreast, she supported her hand against the bonnet of her Scorpio.

It appeared to her that the DCP looked a bit perplexed.

"Okay, how about I simplify it for you? Let suppose you have caught a disease that you are not aware of; what would you do?" She asked.

"Go to the hospital." He answered, his eyes intently peering at her.

"Then?" She probed further while folding her arms across her chest.

"Visit a doctor." Came his instant reply.

"Then?" The shoulders of her tailored black blazer straightened as the silver cufflinks affixed to the sleeve ends of her white shirt gleamed under the rays of the setting sun.

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