22 | The Blessed Virgin Mary

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Word Count - 5000 [A really important chapter]

Note -

1. I am not a Christian. Hence all the information given below is thoroughly researched and verified, but still if you find anything wrong in the factual data, feel free to correct me.

2. This book is purely fictional and I don't intend to hurt anyone's religious sentiments. The data that has been provided below was a requisite in order to understand the pattern of criminal activities mentioned in the story.

3. From this week onwards, I will be updating only one chapter per week till the first week of May. My exam is approaching, so I need to focus on it properly. I hope you all understand my point.

4. Lastly, I need someone who can make Instagram reels for this book. Respond to me, only if you are free and not occupied with your studies or job and are genuinely interested in this task.

Thank you.


Song - Rabbi Marcus


22 | The Blessed Virgin Mary

7th May 2023 

[ 1400 hrs.]

Stepping inside the ballroom, she strode straight in his direction.

He was speaking with Joseph while trying to subdue the fidgeting movements of the impatient toddler in his arms who looked extremely miffed due to the constant cheek pulling he was being subjected to, by the aunties around.

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