29 | Rain

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Hello, everyone! 

I know, I am updating this chapter at an extremely late hour and I apologize for it. We had a power cut in the area I live in, since yesterday afternoon because of heavy rain. Forget about internet, I couldn't even switch on my phone and laptop due to drained batteries. Fortunately, the electricity supply is back since eleven p.m. so, here I am updating the chapter after adding some elements and proofreading it.

That's it; thank you!

Enjoy reading!

Note - Not a really long chapter but an important one.

Word count - 2700

Song - Yun Hi Re (From the movie 'David')

29 | Rain

Her dainty fingers trailed across the window, tracing the water beads that glided down the glass pane, while her sable eyes were latched to the surroundings outside the operational automobile. Trees on both sides of the road swayed vigorously due to the torrential winds.

But as cataclysmic as the weather outside appeared to others; for her, it was soothing.

Mahadevan shifted his attention from the windshield to behold their intertwined hands on his lap, eventually raising his gaze up to look at her. "We are about to reach the Yamuna Bridge, so it will take us around ninety minutes more to reach home. There are some snacks in the side cabinet; have them."

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