20 | The Baptism Ceremony

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Song - Ishq Di Baajiaan (Play it during their scenes.)


20 | The Baptism Ceremony


5th May 2023 [evening, 1800 hrs.]

"It's unusual how each of these girls had a similar kind of nature—---calm and introverted. But just six to eight months prior to their abduction, they started exhibiting slow yet visible changes in their personalities like irritation, anger issues, and emotional withdrawal from family members." DSP Ramandeep Singhvi spoke while scratching his moustache.

Raghav fetched a glass of water from the water dispenser and walked towards the round table all his team members were seated around. "This proves that profiler Rao's deduction was correct."

"Actually." ASP Rukmini Desai agreed.

"Bhavya Nath's father said that he started noticing the changes in his daughter's demeanor in October 2021. Shreya Bhatia's parents and Ritu Verma's parents said that they started noticing the changes in their respective daughters' bearings in November 2021. And, for Mihika Basu's parents, it was September 2021. The other parents that I contacted also provided the same timelines. It is either September, October, or November. The parents of victims of this year also answered the same: September, October, or November 2022." Hinduja rotated the paperweight while skimming through the contents of the file in front of her. "Even the minister said the same." She added.

"Madam Ji, you visited the Minister's residence yesterday? That too alone?" SI Daleep Bedi questioned her in bewilderment. "Didn't he threaten you or something?"

"Yeah, he did yell at me that he'll transfer me to Andaman if we don't find his daughter at the earliest." She answered back nonchalantly, her eyes still focused on the details in the file.

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