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Blake walked through the packed school hallway already,regretting his choice to come to school today.

He had been back in town for four months but only spent 4 whole weeks all together at school due to the fact that,he couldn't stand the place and much rather get high than be in that dump.

"Hey babyyy"Cassie squealed and hugged him tightly around his waist.

Blake wasn't really much of a public affection guy but he couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend,that he'd been with a little over two months.

"Hi beautiful"he kissed the side of her face.

"Hey lex"he smiled at Cassie's sister who, was stood behind Cassie.

"I don't give a fuck,Nate"You could hear Maddy yell from down the hall which,caught Blake's attention.

"Trouble in paradise again,huh?"He leaned against his locker as he spoke to Cassie.

"They're so toxic to the point that they don't belong together"Cassie looked at the pair with her dazed eyes.

Blake furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Lexi because Cassie never usually had an opinion on Maddy and Nates relationship.

They were the 'it' couple to everyone in school but people talked and obviously Maddy always found out.

Quickly,Maddy came storming down the hallway.

Her heels were clicking loudly on the floor.

"Hey mads"Cassie said to her bestfriend but she ignored her.

The blonde girl knew then that,Maddy was furious and was gonna beat a bitch's ass.

The bell had went and that meant it was time for first class.

"Cassie,we can't get another detention or mom will kill us"Lexi told her sister.

"Fine"Cassie rolled her eyes.

She wanted to check on Maddy but she really didn't want another detention taking up her prescious time.

"Make sure she doesn't kill someone please"Cassie asked Blake "i'll see you at break".

"Okay"he nodded his head and walked down the hall to the doors that led to the entrance of the school.

He looked around and couldn't see the latina in sight so,he took a left to where,the outside cafeteria was.

Suddenly,he heard a bang to the left of him and there he saw Madeline Perez forcefully squashing a girls face against a window.

"Keep my name out of your mouth you cunt"She screamed at the girl. 

"Perez,leave the girl alone"Blake spoke up.

She hit the girls head off the window one more time before turning around on her heels with her arms crossed.

"Who the fuck are you?"She sassed.

The 6 ft  boy couldn't help but feel amused by the anger the slick pony tailed girl displayed.

"Blake,Blake Jacobs".

Maddy smiled at him "you're Cassie's boyfriend?".

"We haven't really pu-".

"Wait,are you related to Nate?"She pointed at him.

"He's my brother"The slick brown haired guy sighed as he began to stroll off towards,the bleachers.

Maddy slightly smirked at his reply.

She never knew that Nate had a brother one that was especially, hotter than him.

"How come i've never heard about you?"Maddy began to follow him.

"What is this?21 questions?"He turned around and walked backwards for a second.

"Stop being a cunt,i'm just curious"She continued to follow him.

"I'm guessing thats your favourite word"He stepped onto the bleachers seats and sat down on the 3rd seat up.

"Yes it is"She sat down beside him "Now,tell me cunt".

"Well,me and Nate never really got along because he was the golden child and did everything to please dad but i wouldn't and because i wasn't like nate.My father,hated it so he would scream at me and push me all the time but that made me act out and then i ended up in boot camp".

Maddy looked at Blake with sympathetic eyes.

She could tell he's went through alot of pain and mistreatment.

"So,how long were you at boot camp?".

"I got sent there when,i was 15 and i came out a few months ago.The only good thing it did for me was make me calmer and control my emotions more".

Blake laid back on his elbows and looked around at the scenery.

"Do you and Nate talk like at all?"She glanced into his blue eyes then,looked down.

"No"He shook his head "we don't talk what so ever because he's a prick".

"He really is"She agreed with him.

They both sat in silence for a short while.

"So,there's a party tonight,at Mckays house,are you coming or are you just gonna sit at home like a loner?"Maddy questioned.

"I'm not a loner"Blake nervously smiled "i have friends,they just not here".

"Okay loner"She stood up "i'll see you at the party".

"See ya later"he muttered.

The blue eyed boy watched as the Latina walked away with i slight switch in her hips,half smiling to himself.

He was feeling a little giddy now,that he finally had a conversation with thee Madeline Perez,the girl he could never force his eyes away from.

"You've got a crush on Maddy?"Rue suddenly appeared next to him which,startled him.

"Rue what the fuck?"He glared at her.

"Sorry"she giggled "but its very obvious you do".

She leaned her head on her bestfriends shoulder.

"Have you been here this full time?".

"Yep,i was sat under the bleachers and i'm high as fuck".

He laughed at the girl and slightly layed his head on hers.

Blake couldn't stop thinking about the party that was happening tonight.He was hoping it would be good because he wasn't for social interactions but no doubt his brother would be there so,that wasn't a good thing for starters.
This book is based off of euphoria but most parts will be my own writing and ideas.

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