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Maddy,Jules,Kat were at the Bowling Alley aswell as Ethan who decided to tag along.

They took pictures of eachother with Jules polaroid whilst,Ethan sat by himself eating some popcorn.

Then,Kat invited him to play as Jules and Maddy went to grab a drink and a seat.

"Ya know what i thinks depressing"Maddy looked down at her nails and fussed with them.

"What?"Jules asked.

"I'll never find that kind of love"Maddy gestured to Kat and Ethan.

"What do you mean?"Jules pulled a face.

"There's just no darkness"She glanced at Jules "it's just sweet".

"Yeah"Jules nodded her head.

Jules had just learnt about the situation between Maddy,Blake and Nate so she felt some type of sympathy for her.

"I don't know if that will ever be enough for me".

"I guess some people are kinda"Jules shrugged her shoulders "just built different".

She smiled at Maddy and in which it was returned with a head nod.

"Yeah,guess so"Maddy spoke lowly,thinking about Blake and how much of a better guy he was than Nate.

Why would she be so hung up on Nate?when,his brother is everything and more despite his temper.

Time went by,and the Bowling Alley had closed.

Kat wanted Maddy and Jules to wait for her whilst,she went to Ethan's car with him.

So,that left Jules and Maddy sat on the curb outside of the Bowling Alley.

"What is she gonna do for five minutes?"Jules asked Maddy.

"I don't even wanna know"Maddy shook her head slowly.

Jules phone buzzed in her hand and she checked it to see that,it was Rue asking to come over to her place.

"I think i wanna get back with Nate"Maddy spoke "it's a mistake right?".

Maddy so desperately wanted to hear Jules say "no he doesn't deserve you"even though,she'd probably still would get back with him because thats all she was use too.

"Don't do it"Jules furrowed her eyebrows "Blake is so much better than him".

"I know...but i don't know if i can help it"Maddy's voice was quite.

Jules laid her head on her own knee's and looked at Maddy.

"I wish you could see yourself the way the rest of the world does"Jules said to the broken girl.

She scooted over and wrapped her arm around her friends shoulder and kissed her on the head.

Meanwhile,Blake was currently at his parents house being questioned by his dad as to why Fez beat up Nate.

"How the fuck would i know why Nate got beat up?"Blake said groggily whilst he stood against the wall.

He had been drinking aload of bottles of bud since,Maddy had left earlier that day.

"You're his brother and you were at the party that night"Cal looked at his drunken son.

"Sometimes i wish i wasn't because he's nothing but a cunt and he got what he fucking deserved"Blake spat aggressively.

Suddenly,Cal wrapped his hands around his sons throat.

"You're just a waste of fucking space"Cal growled.

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