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Blake woke up to the sun shining on his face.

He looked over at the clock on,the night stand and it read 6:20am.

He carefully slipped out from under Maddy without waking her then,he put his shoes and jacket on to leave.

Blake looked at Maddy's beautiful picturesque face as,he gently kissed her cheek before he left to go to his apartment.

After an hour of contemplating and pondering,on what to do to Nate.

He had made a plan.

So,He threw on a black wifebeater with a black jacket to match with his blue jeans and a pair of black boots after that,he grabbed a baseball bat from the side of the door before leaving his apartment.

"Yo,Blake where you going with that looking all angry and shit?"Fez came walking down the stairs,behind him.

"Paying my brother a visit"He said before getting into his dodge charger.

"Fucking crazy them Jacobs, man"Fez said to himself.

He sped over to his mom's house and once,he was outside he noticed that Nate's bedroom window was open.

Blake was going to go through the back door because he had a spare key but it'd be too loud having to creep over the creaky floorboards.

Blake was a good climber due to boot camp so,no doubt he got up there in seconds.

He pulled the bat out from down his trouser leg and quietly,crept over to Nate who,was sleeping on his back.

He wanted to scare Nate as much as he did to Maddy.

Then,he dived on him and forcefully put the bat against his throat causing,Nate's eyes to pop open and panic.

"You really think you'd get away with what you did?"Blake looked at him with so much anger in his eyes.

Nate grabbed hold of Blake's arms and tried to push him off of him but the more he tried to do that,the more the bat got pushed into his throat.

He was struggling underneath his brother and his eyes began to water and his face was turning red.

"Now,you know how Maddy feels when, YOU put your hands on her"Blake smiled like a lunatic you'd see in the movies.

Suddenly,Nate found the strength to push him off of him causing Blake to hit his back off of the hard wooden floor.

He sat there gasping for air as,Blake stood up with the bat in his hand.

"You're fucking crazy"Nate coughed.

"Atleast,i'm not as crazy as you"He went to swing the bat but Nate caught it in time.

Nate really didn't want to fight his brother but he knew that he had no choice.

He threw the bat onto the bed and put up his fists as Blake threw the first punch and managed to hit him on the side of his face.

"You must really be in love with her to be going against your brother,you're fucking flesh and blood"Nate raised his voice.

"You ain't been my brother ever since,you acted like i never existed".

"Why do you think that is?"Nate laughed "you're a fucking psycho".

Nate was the one who,shown his anger and aggression often but Blake was the more angry Jacob's,boy.

Considering,his was more hidden than Nate's.

Blake slammed Nate onto the bed and began throwing punch's into his face and ribs,pounding and pounding into him as Nate groaned and hissed.

"Get the fuck off me"Nate tried to block the punch's.

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