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It was Friday,the day of the carnival and Blake was laid up on his couch debating,if he should go or not.

He didn't know who,he would go with because Fez was already setting up his pretzel van/drug dealing van and Rue was god knows where.

But then,his mother texted him.

You should come to the Carnival and support your dad for the contest.We are just setting the stand up and your dad could use your magic touch in order to win,His mother texted.

Have fun,he'll probably win anyways,He replied and put his phone down.

Blake,didn't feel the need to be there supporting his dad because since,when did he ever support him?

His phone pinged again and he rolled his eyes thinking that,it was his mom again probably calling him selfish.

Instead,it was Rue.

Can you come to the diner?you're the only person i can talk too,it read.

Sure,i'll be there in 10,he replied back.

He sighed deeply as,he stood up.

The carnival was gonna open in literally 30 minutes so,he decided he'd get dressed and make some what of an effort today.

He put on a pair of loose fitting blue jeans,a light grey zip through jacket with a crisp white tee and a pair of Beige timberlands.

He picked up his fitted cap from off the floor and modelled it in the mirror but he didn't like how it looked.

"Ahh,this'll do"He brushed his comb over styled hair with his fingers and got ready to leave his apartment.

Blake got to the Diner and when,he sat down on the opposite of where Rue was sitting she instantly,started to ramble.

"There's nothing i'm really passionate about"She spoke as she looked at him with low exhausted eyes "you know like i'm not dying to do or say anything,really and every time i admit that to people they're like 'oh my gosh so sad' but i think thats the case for most people".

"You know?like when i look at my mom or like the kids at my school like, their profiles or their posts and their tumblr rants...you realize they're all just fucked up too..and lost.They just have a reason to mask it whether it be like their-their families or their boyfriends or their hashtag activism...and they're just reaching for something  to make it all seem meaningful".

By now,Blake was looking at her with an impatient look because he knew that she wasn't really talking about what she really wanted too.

"Rue,i don't give a shit about that"Blake honestly spoke "What did you really want to talk about?".

"Umm"She looked down at the table and went into thought.

"You know...just like....just the usual bullshit".

He could tell that,something was bothering his friend and it was written all over her face.

"Rue,you don't reach out for help unless something is wrong"He said as he took a sip of the cola that,Rue bought for him "So,whats up?".

She brought her knee's up onto the seat and laid her head on them.

"Um I...I was with Jules and you know we hang out everyday and um...this is stupid,its stupid"She shook her head.

"Tell me Rue Rue"Blake leaned forward.

He tended to be a good listener when,people had problems.Probably,because no one listened to him.

"I misread the whole situation"She made an awkward sad smile with her lips.

"And now it's gonna be really,really,really,really fucking awkward and i guess that hanging out with her was...was the best thing that's happened to me in a while,so".

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