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It was now Monday afternoon and it was a few minutes until,Lexi's play was about to start and Blake was heading to the hall to claim his seat next to Maddy.

"What took you so long?the show has started"Maddy turned her head to him as,he sat down between her and Kat.

"I decided to go get a cup of popcorn from the store because this play is gonna be good"Blake shown Maddy the cup full of toffee popcorn.

She smiled at his stupidness.

"You look handsome"She complimented him.

He decided to dress abit more smart today yet casual .He was wearing black chino's,a fitted black t-shirt and a pair of white nike cortez.

"Thanks beautiful"He kissed her on the cheek.

The curtains began to part and revealed,a set that looked exactly like Rue's bedroom and a character that,looked like her sitting on a bed as,Lexi stood in front of her reading something she had wrote for Rue when,her dad had passed away.

"Let this darkness be a bell tower and you the bell.As you ring,what batters you becomes your strength.Move back and forth into the change..What is it like such intensity of pain?if the drink is bitter then turn yourself into wine"Lexi read to the character that looked like she was playing Rue.

"In this uncontainable night,be the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,the meaning discovered there and if the world has ceased to hear you say to the silent earth:i flow to the rushing water,speak:i am".

Lexi then,walked over to a sleeping Rue and took the pill bottles out of her pocket with a disheartened look in her face before leaving the room.

"I knew Jade had been doing drugs but it wasn't until that day,at her dads memorial that i realised they were a greater comfort than i could ever be"Lexi spoke through her microphone as the room watched the scene of 'Jade' passed out on drugs in her bed.

"Maybe thats a silly observation,but i was only 13".

Blake was confused because it seemed like this play gonna be about Rue and her life.

Until,the scene changed and drums started to roll .

"It was the summer before i started tenth grade back when,we thought we'd all be friends forever"Lexi stated.

She came back onto the stage and sat in front of a screen with cameras in front of her.

The scene looked like it was picture day.

"There was five of us...and there,was me Grace"Lexi sat on a stool and posed for her picture to be took.

Then,Grace got off stage and someone blonde curly haired girl who,looked the image of Cassie came on and sat down on the stool.

"My sister,Hallie".

"Was that suppose to be Cassie?"Blake asked as someone else came on stage.

"I don't know"Kat answered.

"Why,does she look like me?"Maddy pointed out.

"Yo,she really does look like you"Blake furrowed his eyesbrows.

"Marta's bestfriend,Luna".

"My bestfriend,Jade and Barry,Jade's bestfriend"A tall,muscular slick haired guy who,looked high came and sat on the stool with a smile on his face.

Instantly,Blake knew it was suppose to him.

"You look well,he looks high as fuck"Maddy spoke to Blake.

"I was extremely high on picture day,i'm surprised if i'm in the picture book"He laughed.

"And this is life,our life"Lexi announced as her and the characters popped their heads through the letters spelling our life.

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