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Plenty of eyes were on Cassie as,she stormed down the stairs to the stage with an evil smirk on her face,her arms swaying back and forth.

She got up onto the stage and began to sarcastically clap.

Maddy scrunched up her nose and furrowed her brows at the girls behaviour.

"Lexi,you really outdid yourself"She continued clapping as She approached the scene of when,her and Maddy were on molly.

Cassie scoffed looking at the actors.

"I mean where did she find these knock offs?"Cassie laughed jesturing to Marta and Hallie.

"I had no idea that my sister had this in her...good job,right?isn't she brave?"Cassie asked the audience.

"She's up here unpacking all of her trauma...i had no idea how hard your life was,Lexi"Cassie spoke in a belittling way.

"Can we give a round of applause for how hard Lexi's life is"Cassie walked back and forth of the stage and began to clap her hands.

People in the crowd cheered and clapped.

"C'mon guys,i know they hack the heads off women in afghanistan or where ever".

Kat looked at Maddy with a "bitch,what the fuck" look.

"That's racist"Someone from the crowd shouted.

"It is nothing compared to living in my shadow"She continued to talk and walk back and forth.

"Yo,is this apart of the show?"Some guy in the audience stood up out of his seat.

"Get off the stage,Cassie"Blake shouted "you're boring and ruining the show".

"I don't know"Cassie flicked her hair and looked behind her before trailinf off towards the back.

"Lexi,is this apart of the show?Lexiii?"She called out making her way to behind the curtain where,Lexi stood.

"Cassie,stop"Lexi whispered obviously,embarrassed by her sisters antics.

"This is your show,come out"Cassie smiled and pulled her sister onto the stage.

"You're the big star of the dayyy"Cassie sung leading,Lexi to the center of the stage.

"Please,Cassie stop it"Lexi tried to pry her hands off of her.

"You're the star of the night"She pulled Lexi into the spotlight "She's always wanted to be star of the night".

"Woo-hoo go Lexi"Someone yelled.

"Please stop,please stop,please stop,please stop"Lexi begged lowly.

"I wish someone would get her off the stage"Blake said.

"Me too"Kat sighed.

"I should stop?me?"Cassie spoke loudly,looking at her sister with anger written on her face.

"I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you"Cassie shouted at her.

"I didn't mean to do that".

"Oh really?"Cassie shouted louder "Then,what is this?".

Suddenly,Suze got onto the stage.

"Hi everyone"She announced herself "I'm Suze,the girls mom in real life".

"Woooo"The crowd cheered.

"Umm played by Ethan.Where is he?Ethan?"She turned around and looked for him but then,he came out of the curtain in a robe.

"You had me down to a-to a science, honey"She walked up to him and hugged him with a kiss on the cheek.

Everyone clapped for him.

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