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Tonight,was the winter formal and the air was thick with tension and it made Blake feel uncomfortable as hell.

He looked at the girls as,he sat down at the table with his wine glass that,he sneakily poured some vodka into.

They all looked so unhappy and there was a weird vibe coming from Rue and Jules like they had bickered or something.

Blake wished that,he had made friends with some guys in his year because the atmosphere felt real awkward to him.

But most of the guys in his year were immature,nerds,jocks or straight up weirdos so he prefferred to stay to his self and the few friends he had.

Plus,things were abit off between him and Maddy probably because she was too busy watching Nate and his date he brought to the dance.

"What if these are like,the big moments in life?"Cassie asked as she watched the people dance and mingle with others.

"Like,my mom always talks about how high school was like this big monumental part of her life but i cannot imagine being 40 and looking back at this like wow".

"Yeah but thats because most people peak in high school"Maddy replied.

"I definitely haven't peaked so,"Kat shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't even feel like a person yet"Lexi joined into the conversation.

"Yeah,i'm definitely at like 25 percent peakness"Cassie joked.

"I feel like i'm at a 100 percent"Jules said confidently "but i could definitely get to 150".

"Shit,i've just started my peak"Blake commented as he got up to grab another glass of fake wine.

"Honestly,i never thought i'd make it this far"Rue started to get sensitive.

"What do you mean?"Cassie asked.

"I don't know i just always had this overwhelming anxiety that something bad would happen"Rue spoke so nonchantly.

"In all fairness"Maddy joined in the new conversation "last summer they were like three weeks where,i thought you were dead".

"Okay but she's been like sober for three months"Jules grabbed Rue's hands.

"Weren't you in rehab like six months ago?"Maddy asked as Blake came back drinking,two glasses at once.

"Uhmmm yeahhh"Rue slowly answered.

"You all look sad and bored just sat here,anyone care to join me to dance even though i can't dance for shit?"Blake spoke bluntly.

The girls could tell that,he was beginning to get drunk and that was when,the very honest and careless side of him came out.

"I will"Cassie stood up so,he placed his drinks down and took her by the hand to the dance floor.

He didn't care to dance with Cassie because her and Mckay weren't on speaking terms plus it was harmless to him.

People were so close together on the dance floor as they danced passionately and some sloppily but Cassie moved smoothly against him,moving her hips in the right way whilst his hands traced her curves.

Maddy was watching them closely with her tongue in her cheek.

She found herself feeling slightly jealous but why would she?Blake wasn't anything to her unlike Cassie once was.

The vodka he was drinking started to hit him so,he didn't care who was staring at him and Cassie.

He was just enjoying his self.

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