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It was New Years Eve and Blake was already at the party with Rue waiting,on Maddy and the girls to arrive.

He would've came with Maddy but she would've took too long to get ready and he knows fine well he would've got too impatient.

"So,hows the new guy?Elliot if thats his name?"Blake asked as his sipped on some soda,he didn't want to start drinking yet.

"He's cool but i feel like Jules is getting jealous but i don't know why because he's just a friend"Rue rambled.

"You gotta make that clear to her though or she's gonna keep tripping or whatever"Blake looked out the big window of the house to see Maddy,Kat and Jules walking up the driveway.

Blake thought Maddy looked stunning and he couldn't get enough of the sight of her.

"Are you coming to grab a drink?"He turned around to see that Rue had dissapeared.

He shook his head and went downstairs to see the girls.

"Heyyy Blake"Jules hugged him,she was very happy for some reason.

"Wassup Jules".

"Where's the bathroom?"he heard Maddy shout as she raced around,looking.

"Down there"A guy pointed to the dark hallway.

"Wassup darling"he walked up to Maddy.

"I really need to pee"She said to Blake and rushed off down the hall.

"Can i come with?"He jokingly shouted.

"Yeh,whatever"She waved him off but he stayed put.

"Maddy,have you seen Cassie?"Lexi asked her.

"I thought she was with you?"Maddy stopped and looked at Lexi who,had a worried look on her face.

"No,we like got in a screaming match and she got out of the car in like the middle of the road"Lexi explained.

"Wait,what?"Maddy pulled a face.

"I'm actually worried.She was like very drunk".

"I'm sure she's fine"Maddy began to walk away "There's no way Cassie is gonna miss a New Years Eve party".

Maddy walked to the bathroom and tried to open the door but it was locked.

Obviously,she felt like her bladder was gonna burst so she banged on the door with both fists.

"I'm using the fucking bathroom"A breathless Nate said from the other side of the door.


She could hear hitched breaths and movement against the door.

Maddy being curious to what the noise was put her ear to the door to listen and began ratting the door handle.

"Yo,just a minute"Nate shouted.

"Open the fucking door Nate,i need to pee"she banged on the door again.

He didn't reply so,she furiously banged on the door.

"Hurry the fuck up"She slammed her hand against the door.

"Go pee outside"Nate said,annoyed "i'll be just a sec".

"Are you taking a shit at a party?"Maddy laughed against the door "thats disgusting,i can fucking smell it".

"It's fine"Nate replied.

"What are you fucking doing?i'm gonna pee myself"Maddy rattled the door faster.

"Hold on"Nate shouted.

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