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Later that day,Mckay's house.
"Yo,so Cassie's a whore,fact?"Nate announced as he walked around the room,full of his shirtless friends.

"No,she's not.Fact..she's not even that type of girl"Mckay defended her "She's with yo brother,fact".

"Oh my bad,have you seen her slut pages though?"Nate stepped around the couch that Mckay was sat on.

"No"Mckay knitted his eyebrows.

"They're wild yo".

"She's like a fucking freak"A friend of theirs stood up and thrusted the air.

"Cassie's on the slut pages"One of the twins spoke as they walked into the room.

"Yo,we gotta see this shit"The other twin said.

"Yo,what are ya'll even doing out the room,man?"Mckay stood up and approached his younger brothers "go back upstairs,bro".

"Whattt?"The pair replied.

"Thing one and thing two.Take it up man"he tried to shoo them away.

"Relax,no one comes here until 10"he got between Mckay and his brothers and dapped the younget boys up.

"Wassup nate?"One of them said.

"Look,all i'm saying is.I think you did Cassie,thas it"Mckay looked directly at Nate.

"Mckay,whether i like her or not is irrelevant"He announced whilst waving his hands "The fact is she's a whore through and through,bro".

Nate laughed and walked away from his friend.

"Look,i don't know what she's done guys but i think she's cool..She's smart,She's funny....bruh she's likes cars man"Mckay tried to plead with Nate "And how could she be a whore when,she's got a man?".

The boys in the room all bursted out laughing at his plea.

"She loves cars and clearly loves her boyfriend.Thank you for telling me"Nate sarcastically spat earning,chuckles from a few.

"Dude must have mad feelings for her"A boy clowned him.

"Yo,did you say you don't know what she's done?"Nate stood with his eyebrows raised.

Obviously,Mckay was clueless.

"No,i don't know"He glanced at Nate.

"Take a seat"Nate pointed to the couch then,hopped over it.

"You and i are gonna take a trip to the land of shame,bro".

Mckay sat down beside his bestfriend as,the boys began to gather around to see whatever Nate was about to reveal about Cassie.

Rue's narrative.
Here's the fucking thing that piss's me off about the world.

Like,every time someone's shit gets leaked.Whether,its J.Law or Leslie Jones.
The whole worlds like "well if you don't want it out there,don't take the nudes in the first place".

I'm sorry i know your generation relied on flowers and father's permission but its 2019,and unless you're Amish.Nudes are the currency of love so,stop shaming us.

Shame the assholes who create password protected online directories of naked underaged girls.

Cassie's actually super sweet like from earlier today,apart from she was seeing two guys at once.

"Yo,rue,rue"Cassie looked up at Rue who was stood in the hallway.

"Hey,how you been?"Rue stood with her arms behind her back.

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