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Rue's Narrative.
It's been 60 days since,i've been clean.

For the record,i'm not not telling the truth.

I've actually been doing really well because the morning after that,whole drug dealer face tattoo fentanyl excursion.

I uh got in a little bit of trouble for dissapearing for like 16 hours.

My mom wasn't happy that,i came in at 5:30 in the morning and she knew that i had been taking drugs but she wasn't the only person upset with me.

Jules,she was scared to become attached incase i killed myself with the drugs i was taking and she told me that she didn't want to be around me if i continued.

My drug use didn't just affect my mom and Jules.

It also,affected Blake.

He was dealing drugs with Fez but after that night,he didn't want to do it no more because it was a dangerous game and it hurt him to see the way i was and the way that bald headed guy sort of took advantage of me.

Now,Blake works in a garage cleaning and fixing cars,part time.

It didn't make him as much money as drug dealing did but it sure was a healthier job.

So,basically i've decided to stay clean and i have been for a while.

But i've been going to the meetings for longer.

I just didn't want to depress anyone.

Plus,i really have been trying and that counts for something.

Rue learnt that,Jules had a crush on this dude that,she met on some dating app and thats all Jules would talk about,all day.

She would constantly be on her phone texting the person.During,class,walking down the hallway,at lunch,in bed and even when,she hung out with Rue.

She basically texted the person 24/7 and it made her feel alone.

Maddy,she was also in the same boat.

Nate would always have his head in his phone unless,he was driving.Even then,it would be buzzing non stop and it would infuriate Maddy.

But when,she'd ask to look at his phone for him or questioned who it was he would hide the phone away from her and she found that suspicious yet he always had the excuse that,it was his dad.

It was lunch time and Blake was sat with Rue and Jules.

"So,do youse wanna see that guys dick that,i've been talking too?"Jules randomly said almost,making Blake choke on his sandwich.

He took a drink of his water and cleared his throat.

"Why would i wanna see a guys dick?no offence"Blake stated.

Anyways,Jules shown them the picture.

"I mean,its huge right?"She smiled.

"Hmm"Rue hummed and pushed her bottom lip up.

"Don't front,it's a big dick"Jules tried to get the two to agree.

"Mines bigger than that on soft"Blake stood up and went to throw his trash away and take his tray back.

By the time he came back,Rue was having a friendly debate with Jules.

"There's no way to compare scale ya know?if there's a fucking hand in the frame atleast,you can be okay its about the size of an adult male hand or like twice the size or a fucking fraction of the size".

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