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Ever since,that night at Cassie's house.Rue has been trying to get clean at home with the help of Ali and her mom and to be honest she was struggling but she was trying her hardest.

Blake would drop by with her favourite snacks or some flowers to show her that,he was proud of his bestfriend and that she could this.

He hated seeing her high because it reminded him of his self and the way it ruined him so,he tried to be there for her as much as he could despite having a job and seeing Maddy.

Rue didn't really realise the impact of taking drugs had on her mental health and how it also,affected the people she loved but now,she was doing her best and it made her mom happy.

Nate didn't know what happened with Cassie and Maddy because when he excercises he put his phone on silent.

The irony was Nate woke up that morning feel fantastic because after an 18 year dick swinging contest with his dad.

Nate had finally won.

Nate learnt about how Rue exposed his and Cassie's secret to Maddy and in all honesty,he didn't care but at the same time he was scared of facing Maddy for what she'd say or do.

It wasn't the 38 missed calls from Cassie that concerned him.

It was the fact that there was zero calls or texts from Maddy.

Part of the reason Nate loved Maddy as much as he did is because she was loyal.

But its also what scared the living shit out of him.

If anyone crossed her,she'd bury them and he had now really fucking crossed her.

And there was no doubt in Nate's mind what Maddy was about to do.

Meanwhile,Cassie was loosing her mind.

She thought everyone was picturing her as the bad guy which she sort of is but was she fully to blame?

She kept trying to justify her actions but nobody was buying it.

"I'm not the bad guy"Cassie tried to convince her mother"Everyone keeps looking at me like i'm the bad guy but i'm not the bad guy".

"Well,you're not the good guy"Lexi spoke as she plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah,thats for sure"Suze agreed.

"Everyone thinks that i'm hooking up with Nate when,he and Maddy were still together but thats not accurate.There was no crossover"Cassie raised her voice.

"Cassie..please,just a little bit of peace,please"Suze pleaded.

She was beyond fed up of hearing Cassie constantly talking about the same thing and how she's not the bad guy.

"But,Rue made it sound like we were just hooking up the entire time but i would never do that to someone i love".

"Yeah,i don't think thats a real airtight defense".

"It's the truth"Cassie waved her arms around like a crazy women.

"Oh,Cassie you're driving me nutsss"Suze slightly raised her voice "it's one thing to do what you did,and it's another thing to pretend you're all innocent and its no big deal".

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