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Blake was sat laying on his bed,scrolling through social media when,he came across a video of someone he recognised getting back shots.

He swore it was Kat but couldn't tell.

He sent Rue a text for Maddy's number in order,for him to tell Maddy about the video.

Finally trying to shoot your shot i see🥲,Rue replied with Maddy's number.

Quit playing bro😂i just need to ask her something,Blake texted back.

Yo,have you seen the video?He sent the text to Maddy.

A few minutes later,that felt like an eternity Maddy finally replied.

Who's this?
And what video?,she replied.

It's Blake and i swear this is Kat.You need to tell her,he sent the video to her.

Oh my fucking god i'm gonna call her,Maddy texted back.

Rue's narrative.
Kat never admitted it and no one could ever prove it but we all knew it was her.

Or maybe I don't know.

I guess for Kat it probably felt like we all knew.

Thats,the weird thing about the internet.Ten people can feel like the whole world.

But,Kat made sure that,the people involved told other people that it wasn't her or else she'd go to the police about it.

15 minutes went by,and Blake was impatient waiting for Maddy to text back.

So,was it her?Blake texted.

She said it wasn't her lol but anyways how did it go with Cassie?Maddy instantly replied.

She should be here in 5.

Have fun,Maddy texted bluntly and Blake read it.

There,was a knock on the front door of Blake's apartment which,made him jump up off of his bed.

He went to the front door and opened it to see Cassie stood there,looking pretty.

She had off the shoulder lettuce top with tight blue jeans and sandals.

"Maddy told me that,you wanted me to come over and talk?"She looked at him with her ocean blue eyes.

"Yeh,come in"He stepped aside and let her in.

She went and sat down on his couch and gazed around his room.

She hadn't properly seen it before due to the fact that,she was on Molly or whatever drug she was taking at the time.

"I'm sorry for how i acted yesterday,Cassie"Blake sat down in his arm chair "i shouldn't have got that angry and aggressive with you especially when,it was me that didn't really want a label on our situationship or whatever".

"It's fine"she shook her head "i shouldn't of did what i had done and i'm sorry for that too".

Cassie wasn't usually a serious person or confrontational so,Blake was surprised.

"So,can we be friends?"Blake offered.

"Of course"She said excitedly and hugged him.

He hugged her back,smiling.

"Do you really like Mckay?"he pulled away from the hug.

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