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Rue's Narrative.
When,Nate and Blake Jacobs was 11 year old.They found their dads porn collection.

Their dad,Cal was obsessive and their mom stated thats where,Nate got it from.

They quickly realized that the coloured cases and placement were no accident.

It was an ellaborate code that,no one fucked with his shit.

Nate,was more curious about the collection but Blake couldn't allow his innocent mind to watch anymore.

The few clips he watched was already tatted in his brain.

Watching,his father with men and that confused him but Nate wanted to watch more.

His dad would drink and make small talk with them and fuck the shit out of some.

One time,Nate nearly got caught so,he rushed and quickly ejected the cd from the computer and hid the evidence that,he was on his dads computer before running to his room and hiding under his blanket.

His brother was asleep in his bed across the room but Nate was hoping he was awake because his dad made him feel intimidated.

Cal came into the room and sat on the edge of his bed and Nate came out from under his blanket.

"You're a strong man,Nathaniel" Cal spoke as he stared at the wall "i knew it from the moment you were born".

By now,Blake could hear his dad basically praising his brother but he stayed staring at the wall because he didn't want them to know he was awake and listening.

"You have a....iron will,drive,determination unlike your brother.He's,hardheaded"Cal explained "i've always admired that in you because someday it will lead you to greatness".

Young Nate looked at his dad not,knowing what to say to him.

Cal stretched his hand out and rubbed the side of his sons face with his thumb.

"But no one in this world will root for you.They'll see what i see and they'll despise you for it...sometimes you'll know and sometimes you won't but the farther you go the,sharper the blade".

"Just don't ever give them an opening".

By 12,the boys had adopted a rigid diet and workout schedule.

Within a year,they both dropped a decent amount of body fat to the point there was barely any fat on them.

They trained nearly everyday but really it was all to satisfy their father.

Nate joined the football team as a freshman and quickly excelled but Blake didn't want to be his dads trophy or in his twins shadow so,he became a problem even though,he did like to stay in shape.

But he lost himself...Staying out late,smoking weed,drinking underaged,stealing cars and driving recklessly through town and getting locked up numerous of times.

But,Nate loved football.The crowds,the cheers,the feeling of winning and the fact that his dad was at everyone of his games.

But he hated being in the locker room.He hated how casual his teammates were about being naked.

How they'd talk to him with their dicks hanging out.

He made a concerted effort to always maintain eye contact during the exchanges.

Every now and then,he'd forget and accidentally catch a glimpse of a penis.

Nate and Blake's older brother,Aaron was a fuck up way more than a fuck up than Blake was.

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