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It was now the day after Halloween.November the 1st and Blake had woken up to six missed calls from Rue and multiple texts aswell as,a text from Maddy.

He looked over to the other side of the bed to notice that,the girl he came home with had left and she also,left a note on the pillow.

"Lastnight,was amazing,call me sometime"The girl from lastnight scribbled her number onto the piece of paper.

Obviously,Blake wasn't gonna call her so,he scrumpled it up and threw it into the trash.

He opened Maddy's text first and it read.

"How was your night with your bitch?".

He knew by the,text that seeing him with another girl had bothered her.

"Good,i need to change my bedsheets now"He joked "How was your night with Nate?".

Blake waited a couple of minutes before Maddy replied.

"First of all,ew and second of all,i didn't spend the night with him,i went home".

"I'm surprised"Blake replied.

"Cunt"was all that Maddy said.

He smiled at her reply then,he called Rue up.

"Whats with the missed calls Rue?everything okay"He questioned.

"Yo,you ain't gonna believe this"Rue said in shock.

"Spill"He adjusted his self into a comfortable position.

"So,you remember that dude who,Maddy basically fucked in the pool?".

"Yeh what about him?".

"Well,the muthafucker got booked into jail for the assault on Maddy".

"Yo you gotta be kidding me"Blake played it off like he was shocked.

"I believe Nate is the one who strangled her though".

"Why's that?".

Blake knew that his brother had probably threatened the guy into taking the blame because he was there that night and it was Nate who put his hands on Maddy but he wasn't gonna tell Rue that.

"I just believe it because its not adding up,i'll see you on Monday"Rue said then hung up the phone.

It would be so much easier to tell Rue that,Nate did do it and not the guy from the party but when,Rue wanted to get to the bottom of something,She would turn into a full on chief inspector and Blake found it amusing.

Monday,came around and Rue was acting like a full blown detective with Lexi following behind her.

"Jacobs,lets roll"Rue jestered for him to follow her.

He didn't know what was about to go on but whatever,Rue was up too he knew it was gonna be interesting.

"False accusations in today's world can cause serious long term damage to ones career,reputation and emotional well being.We all owe Nate Jacobs an apology and are excited and thrilled to have him back at East Highland"A lady spoke through a speaker causing Blake to scoff.

He continued to follow Rue and Lexi to this classroom and it just so happened to be,his second period.

The three went and stood at the back and Blake noticed that,Maddy and Nate were sat next eachother,sharing a kiss.

He was so confused on how Maddy would stick by a boy who put his hands on her and emotionally abused and manipulated her like everyday.

"Why do you think Jules would lie to help Nate?"Lexi asked Rue.

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