Chapter 1.

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Qibli POV:

I shivered. Why the heck does the interrogation room have to look so darn creepy?  All of the shadows pooled in the corners, dying them an ink black that gave them an air of menace, almost as if they were waiting, lurking, just incase some poor dragon stepped slightly too close. 

I winced, almost automatically as I heard the dragon who was being interrogated shriek in terror as she was dragged off to the dungeons, somehow found guilty for a crime. The dragons who were taken down there were always really nice to me- sometimes nicer than the soldiers guarding them. I had often begged Thorn to set the especially kind ones free, but, as much as she wanted to please me, she just protested that they'd committed a crime, and it was their own fault that they were down there.

Pfft, if Winter was here right now he would be deeply ashamed of me right now.  I bet he would say, 'Stop feeling sorry for a criminal Sand-snorter!' Or, 'in the ice kingdom we would never allow anyone to even meet such a dragons eyes. Honestly, sandwing, you are such a disgrace.'


I smacked myself in the face with my tail, then let out a little Yelp of surprise when it hurt more than I'd anticipated.

"Qibli! FOCUS!" Thorn snapped, but her expression softened quickly. "Did you even hear what I said earlier?" 

"Umm. . ." I gave her an apologetic shrug. She sighed, burying her face in her talons, before yet again, explaining her thoughts from earlier.

Even still, I wasn't listening.

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