Chapter 13.

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Winter POV:

I helped Qibli up to a ledge near jade mountain. We both sat there in a comfortable silence, watching as the sun dipped slowly beneath the trees. There was nothing but silence- One of the first nice moments I'd ever had with Qibli. But, of course, Qibli couldn't let that happen.

"Aren't you going to thank me for saving your skyfire?"

Yes, turns out he saved my skyfire. I'm not sure what to think of that.

"No, of course I'm not going to thank you! I'm an icewing prince with something called dignity that you don't seem to know about. You should be thanking me! I saved your life."

"Oh, sorry. Well, you see, in the camel-snorting kingdom, we have a rule about not thanking you grandiose walruses, you see they're always too dignified."

We both burst into laughter but silence returned after that. I didn't want to shatter the peace again, but there was something I wanted to ask. . .

"I do have one question. Why did you bother saving my skyfire? Why did you even bother saving me? I mean, I've never exactly been nice to you."

Qibli blushed lightly, before hesitantly replying with, "well I. . . It's because I. . . I love you. . ." He trailed off awkwardly.

I started to feel anger rise up in me like a steaming kettle bubbling over. I'm honestly not sure why I felt so angry. I just did.

"You what?" I asked, trying not to let my anger overflow. I mean it wasn't his fault, I couldn't get too mad at him. 

"I love you. . ." He mumbled again, stumbling over his words. 

I took a deep breath. In. Out. 

"I'm sorry. I don't like you back."

I felt a tiny tug on my heart but. . . It wasn't love. Right?

Qibli turned away, but I could see the tears in his eyes.

I felt bad for him. So, so bad for him. But there was no going back now. 

"I'll be in our burned up room if you need me."

And with that I turned and walked away.

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