Chapter 2.

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Winter POV:

I watched as the sun sank below the horizon, leaving a trail of darkness and starlight in its wake.

Qibli would love this. No, shut up brain, don't go there. I sighed, used to the quarrels in my head by now. I turned to watch the scavengers instead, in the hopes of distracting myself. I had worked so hard alone with Riptide to support and build this place, and the scavengers all seemed pretty happy to me. I was so glad that they all seemed to have settled in here. I'd put everything into making this place and now it was my home. . . well, my home away from home even though I'd been exiled from there.

Qibli seemed to be interested in scavengers, I wonder if he likes scavengers  too? I wondered, then realised what I'd just thought. I started fuming again digging my claws into the ground.

"Hey Winter,Chill out!" 

I looked up to see Riptide standing above me, chuckling uncontrollably. 

Qibli used to say that- argh WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

Problem was, no matter what I did I just couldn't get that annoying cactus-licker out of my head.

"Anyways, I came to tell you, we're going to a meeting at the sandwing kingdom tomorrow!"

And at that I had to hold back a gasp.

Wait- what? No I didn't!

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