Chapter 3.

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Qibli POV:

I opened my eyes to find Winter staring at me. He was waving and smiling pleasantly. I chuckled under my breath despite of myself. This has to be a dream, Winter never smiles. As much as I've always wanted Winter to be nice and kind and love me, this was kind of unnerving. Wait-'and love me?' Qibli, what the? 

All of a sudden, the area went pitch black the midnight coloured sky illuminated by flickering, jagged lightning every once in a while. Thunder crashed and echoed around the shrubbery and trees. Then I saw something. A flash of an eye, the glint of light reflecting off sharp, well-trained claws. To anyone else, it wouldn't be much- barely noticeable at that. But to me? Oh, to me it was so clear. I'd seen it millions of times. In fact, when I was young it was basically the first thing I ever saw. Before fear kicked in at least, anyway.

"WINTER!" I tried to shout, but no sound came out of my mouth. 

It was already too late. A flick of my grandfathers talon and Winter lay, lifeless, on the floor.

"NO!" I cried or tried to cry or. . . Didn't cry, I wasn't even sure anymore. Silence filled the dimmed clearing, soon broken by soft sobbing as I crouched beside him. "No. Please no," I whispered, my voice back.

I woke up gasping, and sat up in my bed, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. It was just a nightmare just a nightmare. 

I couldn't shake off the feeling, however, that it meant something more than just a nightmare.

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