Chapter 9.

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Qibli POV:

"Hey, let's play truth or dare!" Rook exclaimed, bounding over to the group circle we'd already formed.

"OK, I'll go first! Turtle, truth or dare?" Peril asked excitedly, her tail lashing wildly, all the dragons around her backing away cautiously.

"Dare I guess?" Turtle mumbled, clearly noncommittal.

"Alright, I dare you to go wake up Kale!"

Turtle heaved a sigh, getting up and walking over to Kale, prodding him in the side with a claw.

Nothing happened for a couple of seconds until one of Kale's eyes opened angrily. 

"I was just having a nice nap because I DIDN'T GET SUN TIME AND NOW YOU COME ALONG AND WAKE ME UP HONESTLY, DO I EVER GET ANY PEACE?" And with that, he stormed off, in a huff out of the room.

Turtle glared at Peril who was trying (and failing) to smother a giggle.

"Peril! You could have warned me! Ochre you can take my turn."

"Okay, yay! Qibli truth or dare?"

"Dare always!" I replied confidently, but started to regret my decision when Ochre grinned 'evilly', (I mean- evil for a game anyway) a glint in her eye.

"Alright then! I dare you to not speak to Winter for all of tomorrow."

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