Chapter 4.

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Qibli POV:

I had gone outside to get some fresh air and clear my head a bit. I always found the stars comforting for some reason, and night was always so peaceful. Today I wasn't so lucky though. Thick, grey clouds hang over the stars that normally speckled the navy sky, and some birds were making a racket above me.  I stared at a small lizard with tiny, green scales the were sprayed across its back like splattered paint whilst I leant glumly on a talon.

Yay! Such an INTERESTING lizard! Yup! SO INTERESTING. I thought miserably, starting to feel hungry again. No! Don't eat the lizard, Qibli! It's your alibi!


I jumped and turned round, muscles tensed, prepared to fight if needed. 

"It's just me, don't worry."

I recognised that voice, even in the darkness. It was just Smolder. I relaxed a little, sighing in relief.

"What are you doing out here so early in the morning?" He asked, concern etched in his voice.

"Just staring at this SUPER INTERESTING lizard," I replied, not even bothering to sound enthusiastic.

"That's the most common type of lizard, and you know it," he commented, sounding defeated. I mean he wasn't wrong. "Anyway, I came to get you for that scavenger rescue thingy- you know the one- we've got a meeting with them, dunno why it had to be in the morning but it did."

I inhaled sharply. Winter was at 'that scavenger rescue thingy' and maybe- just maybe- I would get to see him again?

It's not too much to ask.

Is it?

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