Chapter 11.

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A/N: yeah so the image above was drawn on remembrance day.  . .

(Roughly 10 mins earlier.) Qibli POV: 

I was sad. I'd only just got back to being Winter's friend, and now I couldn't talk to him. So unfair.

It's only for a day, you'll be fine. Why do you care so much anyway?

It may have only been for a day, but it felt like forever, and I just couldn't wait for the day to end.

Even though my thoughts were trying to distract me from it, the thought from earlier started echoing through my mind.

Why do you care so much anyway?

I'm not sure really. I mean he's my friend, right? So it's normal to care. 

Well, would you care that much if it were, say, . . . Moon that you were told not to speak to? 

Would I? I'm not sure. Probably not, but then again. . .

Why do you care so much anyway?

All of a sudden, I smelt something. Something that hung thick in the air, that made your eyes water and you choke.


I whipped my heard around to see small, flickering flames eagerly licking along the walls and passageways searching for a grip to hold onto; something that they could swallow and burn; something that they could destroy. And they found one. A wooden door leading to one of the dormitories just so happened to be placed along the line of which the flames were searching. It burst into violently swaying flames that leaped and danced with poison malice dripping molten from every glowing crevice. Smoke came to help the fire as soon as it touched the door, and a thick curtain of smoke swept through the halls circling me, surrounding me, searching me, whispering 'suffocate' and choking me further. My eyes stung and my throat burned, but I stood paralysed to the spot.

What the heck are you doing? Get the hell out of here!

And with that I ran from the flames, dodging around the rocks that lay on the the path before me. I fled to me and Winter's room, ripping the door open, and slamming it behind me. Winter looked at me like I was a camel that had taken an interest in flying, before shaking his head and turning back to look out of the window.

Come on, save him! 

But. . . I can't speak! 

There's a fire, you idiot. I'm sure there's exceptions for that!

But what if I have to do another day of not speaking to him?

Just get on with it, and worry about your problems later!

But. . .


I took a deep breath before slamming into Winter, and shoving him out of the open window, shooting him and apologetic look as I did so.


The door to our room burst into an explosion of gleaming orange, and thick, grey smoke filled our small dormitory.

I ran over to the window, but my wing snagged on a sharp rock at our window ledge.

  I swear that wasn't there before. . .

I pulled harder desperation kicking in as I started to feel dizzy from the smoke.

Oh god, I'm gonna die.

Well, at least Winter's safe.

Why do you care so much anyway?

Because. . . Well, I still don't know.

It's because you love him.


No time for that, get on with it!

I tugged harder still, sending pain shooting through my wing.

And then I heard a nasty rip.

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