Chapter 5.

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A/N: SpongeBob meme for ya. Soz if u haven't seen SpongeBob before. :/

Qibli POV:

I followed Smolder down the winding passageways of Thorn's palace, tripping over my own talons nearly every time I stepped forward because it was so dark, and I wasn't used to walking through the castle when it was almost pitch black in some areas. Don't make excuses. You know it's because you're excited. Smolder glanced at me a couple of times, but said nothing more.

By the time we'd reached the meeting room I had a small bruise over one eye from when I'd bumped into one of the grand pillars that stood obstinately in my way, (I mean, how rude of it!) but I was too jittery to care.

When I poked my head in the room my heart skipped a beat. There was Winter, looking extremely bored and examining a pristine claw, the usual uninterested expression plastered across his face. 

"Qibli!" Thorn greeted me with a wave, "come in! I saved you a seat next next to that icewing friend of yours!"

Winter didn't comment or even glance in my direction, he just flinched slightly at Thorn's mention of him. 

"My gratitude, your majesty," I snickered, bowing low and watching as she rolled her eyes irritably.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I took my seat next to Winter. The sunlight reflected on his scales making him a brilliant, blinding white- no, Qibli. Don't go there. 

I tried my hardest but I genuinely couldn't hear a word of what was mentioned.

For me, sitting next to Winter was like being plunged into cold water. Everything surrounding you fell to a pleasant, muffled silence that seemed to suffocate you and drown you, drag you down further into the depths of the water, until muffled words became silence. Oddly peaceful but. . .

Oh man, was it FREEZING!

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