✨ Chapter 14. ✨

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A/N: here you go! A ✨NEW✨ chapter! Finally. Sad thing is that, like, nothing happens in this chapter. :/ tw for slight depression. . .soz, I just love writing sad stuff.

Qibli POV:

I tried to hold it off but I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks as I watched the three shining moons climb obliviously higher into the sky.

This is why loving people is pointless. First Cobra. Rattlesnake. Sirocco. Thorn. Moon. Now Winter. What is wrong with me?

Sighing, I curled up on the rock. There was no point in talking to Winter. I just sobbed into my talons, slowly, but surely, crying myself to sleep.

I found myself in the same clearing that I had in my last nightmare, Winter there again, smiling at me. 

Just a nightmare. . .

Again, Vulture appeared, a mountain forming in front of me. Vulture grabbed Winter's arm and dragged him to the top of the mountain, throwing him into the air and letting him fall onto the spike at the top like Winter was nothing but a mere feather. 

Sure, it was horrible and I hated it, but I just watched, making no move to do anything, because I knew it was pointless. Everything was pointless.

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