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Sooooo I haven't written in such a long time
I mean I did but not here because they were pretty..uh personal🤷‍♀️? Idk
So to all the about 700 people who had read my first dabihawks story "hate.", this story is longer, like way longer, and better so be prepared🥴
this story is about what we all want to read, I suppose, right? Also, I have TONS of grammar problems and spelling mistakes so..don't mind that I guess😒
Also my finals are coming so this story from the start and end might take a while for me
But hope you guys will enjoy!💗💗

The Brief desc if you didn't read:
This story is a school AU and it's like just a made up everything with almost all the characters from the show, but it's all made up from scratch FROM ME NO REFERENCES AT ALL. Brief description: dabi and hawks were the 1st and 2nd at this school (the school where everyone in the show was but they both tho were just the highest grade)and for training class and actually everything was in a group together, a new students joined and quirk hit hawks because the girl wanted to aim at him as he was hot<3 and dabi was in charge of taking care of him for the whole week of the quirk, but dabi starts to realize what he wants from hawks and why he stayed up all those nights staring at his ceiling thinking about him. After the quirk that hit hawks starts to fade off, hawks starts to become more distant and they tear down their everything just because it was awkward for them. Then, something is Dabi's family happen then turned him to the side of evil. He thought that hawks wouldn't care anyway and they have a whole rebellion fighting against the villains (which dabi joined) the school comes to a risk and almost loses because hawks has no words and no idea why dabi was on the other side. Dabi regretted to do everything he did, and hawks was killing himself by drowning himself with all the fault of ignoring and avoiding dabi in the past where they could've turned into something better.It was the most ugliest, messiest show for the heroes' school,but for the two lovers, it was the best memory for them.

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