10. 'Sneakily,please..'

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🥶⚠️🥰Warning smut💕🤪
❤️Hawks POV🐣💕
"Can I come on?"
"Uhm yeah!" I say. Oh my god he wants to sleep with me?
He hops on and pulls the blankets on us both. The warmth of his body gets closer to my back and his hand lands on hips and waist. He pulls away one of his hands and lays it on my face. He pulls mine into his and our lips just smash into each other's.
Fucking hell..he's topping me.
He pulls away,I found what he did so hot.
"I..." I gulp.
"You enjoy it,don't you?" He grins.
"I guess I do.." I shove my face into his chest. Shit, who knew I would be this shy.
"Come on birdie,you know I've wanted this for a long,long time.." he puts his deluxe finger on my lips and smirks.
"Doesn't matter when, it's that..now we have a chance, we should cherish it." He smiles at me.
"I don't know,Touya.." I push him away.
"What..no!" He hugs me by the waist and kisses me on the cheek.
"You're a villain and I'm a hero.." i put my hand on his chest.
"Does it even matter?you let me here already,don't waste our precious chance.."
"fine.." I give in.
He gets up happily and pulls me up.
"Aren't we going on the bed..?" I ask timidly.
"Woah, slow down there, keigo, not everything is about sex..just, follow my lead."
"Um..okay.." I sigh.
I was moving slowly towards him when he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into his.
"What-.." i gasp.
"Lay all your love on me.." he cups his hand on my cheeks and starts to kiss me,the warmth of his hand..
I carelessly let his tongue slide through my lips and holy fuck..he got some skills.
His tongue probably drew abc letters in my mouth. I pushed him away, "I need to breathe..I'm going to..--!!!"
He doesn't care what I have to say and smashes himself on me. I,unable to move. WHO new I was this..weak.
He pulls away and smirks at me.
"W-w..what?" I tried to breathe.
"let's see how well you can deal with me.."
"what...d-do you...mean?" I can hardly breathe..
"hah." He leans onto my should and takes off my jacket. He throws it on the floor and kicks it away.
He suddenly bites onto my neck and I literally screamed.
"Shhh.." he pulls away and puts his finger on my lips.
"Fucking hell..take it slow.." I grab his jacket.
"we can go all night if you take it slow.." his breathe on my shoulder.
I don't say anything and just blush.
He probably smirked or grinned or something and started to lick my neck.
"I'm ticklish.so, stop..please."..
He bites hard, leaving me with tears and pain.
I hold in my screams and try to move back. But he pinched me to the wall even harder and lifted up my left thigh. What is he-
He puts his own leg of the bottom of it and then I was about to protest but..
It felt..good.
I suddenly get the power to just..get my other hand up and press on his head. It gets inner to my skin. I can't help it. I ripped his jacket off. He pulls away. Looks at the hickey he has just made.
"Ooo~..let's make another one, they look good on you~" he says with lust.
"I don't think that's a good idea.."
"What? Why.." he grabs my other thigh and split my legs. Putting himself in the middle.
"Uhmm..." I blush so hard.
"Come on now, you're shy?" He says
"Well don't be," he continues to force me into a lot of unending kisses and he keeps biting my lips and tongue,but I can't stop but enjoy the feeling and I can't reject him, it feels, good..
He suddenly carries me while we were into a deep hot kiss and throws me onto the bed, himself still attached to me.
He pulls away and grins.
he takes off his shirt and I was still breathless on the bed, laying on the bed all chocked up.
"Hah, I'm not done, not even close..now, let's continue.." he leans on me again and makes me to sit up.
"Touya.." I gulp.
"What?~" he touches my chest in a flirtatious manner.
"I don't know if.." I can't talk. I, am- I can't even fucking breathe how do I think that I could talk?!
"What? You do not think you can handle me?..~"
"Not when you've totally lost control.."
"I did not! Im just..enjoying being in the moment..~ now, let's-"
I pushed him away and looked at him guiltily.
"Aw.." he pouts.
Oh my fucking god.
hah.. he takes off the last pieces of clothing we both have and I literally freaked out of him seeing my fully revealed body.
"Come on......." He groans, "stop being so afraid! Keigo.." he continues to groan.
"don't be afraid now..haven't you gone past that?"
My back feels like it's going to break..
"Louder..don't whisper it.."
"Touya!!~you're going TOO hard on me..~ slow..down~"
"Ah~...so can I?"
"I guess, but..don't make me moan, I mean..scream so loud..be sneaky.."
"Say please. Or I'll make you scream..~"
"Pleasee~~don't go so~hard..~ Touya~ ah~"
He lets go of my hips and puts a blanket on me. I toss myself to the other side and search for my pants.
I only see his.
I get up and go get one from my closet.
he lays on my chest and points at the hickeys he gave.
those are like. Omg. "You can spot them from a mile away!!!! What did you do Touya!!I can't believe you.."
"You were willing to do it with me.. so.."
"Can't u be a little gentler.." I groan.
I pull up my boxers and he picks his up from the floor.
"Wasnt it enjoyable?~" he pinches me to the bed, hugging me, probably ready to sleep.
I pull the blankets up and cuddle with him comfortably.
My head comfortably sitting under his chin..

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