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"Let's get you out of here first." I push his face away.
"You're really going to do that, all for me?"
"Yeah, I don't care what risks I have to take, I will make it up to you, no matter what, touya." I press my forehead against his.
He slowly puts me down and hugs me tight.
"I love you." He whispers.
"Love you too." I smile against his lips.
I get one of my feathers and Touya lit it up on fire, then I stabbed the locks with it. My feather can't hold long due to the fire. It can only stay for about 20 seconds until it reaches death.
It almost worked when..shagaraki? Came..?
"Why are you working with this guy?" Shagaraki asked dabi.
"he's..uh helping me get out as you see."
"Well, we can take it from here."
"No,you can't,he's mine.." I grabbed his wrist and pushed shagaraki aside.
Touya, clinging onto me while we both fly up to the roof of a random building.
He chuckles, "that..was so cool of you..to reject him." He grabs me by the waist.
He gives me a smile. A sweet one.
"Well, if we both aren't going to change..then we've got secrets to keep."
"Yeah, secrets of us."
"Secrets..." I lay on his chest.
He lifts my head up and we kiss gently.

Secret..//dabihawks//dabi x hawksWhere stories live. Discover now