7 why..?

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"GET EVACUATED!!!" I fly up and yell at the ground. It's blues flames..
.......(a while later..)
"Those are dabi's flames.." the principal says.
"what..?" I mumble.
How could he betray us? Isn't he wanting to be a hero? He.. literally..burnt his old home?
That's..so crazy. There's no way..
No way..
"Ugh..where is this place..?" That Baka groans. "What the fuck is this?" Baka whispers.
I kick his chin with my dirty shoes and his head gets lifted up.
"hello, bakugou. You look horrible.."
"What? You look like you haven't showered in years.." BLAH BLAH BLAH🙄
After some talking, hand face asks if Baka wants to join our squad and some..heroes come. oh fuck, is there are a lot of heroes here..but no students. And all might. Fucking hell. I run into the alleyway.
I see some young juniors there and so is hawks and mirio.
I try to silently walk away but mirio guy blocked my way, I tried to punch him in the face but I guess I looked down on him too much, his quirk was now in better control when he focused and I didn't pay much attention to him so I never noticed his improvements. Fucking hell, this is.. bad. I burn the whole alleyway on fire, and I know keigo can fly so it would hurt him, I'm a villain now I guess, But I won't hurt keigo though. So I am not blasting up to the sky. Literally not.
Some guy, green hair guy blasts himself at me and. Todoroki. HAH. IM GOING TO KILL HIM. Not like I care or anything, but..yeah.
I leash my flames at that green hair guy and Todoroki. Todoroki tries to freeze my fire but his ice breaks after a super super short second.
I blast more at him and my hand starts to shake a bit, it's either fear or..desperation.?
I shake the feeling off and thought off and run out of the alleyway, to see shagaraki with his random meathead Boss. Ew they look disgusting..
Meathead pats shaggy on his head and goes to all might to pick a primary food fight or something. They talk and grin and shout and yell na punch and kick. It's so lame.
Suddenly, I see red feathers landing at my feet. Oh pleas..-
"KEIGO!!" I yell in fright. I'm so high from the ground, where I'm supposed to be. UNTIL KEIGO CAPTURED ME.
He crashes himself into the bar table in my new home now, and he is holding me tight. My back against his waist.
"what are you doing??" He lets go of me.
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you do all of this? Wasn't it our dream to become the best heroes together?"
"That..no, like you said, it WAS."
" why are you giving up, right now? Theres no need to give up right now, don't you see..your powers could kill any villain...why are you standing on the bad side?" He closes his wings.
"I..I mean, you told me to." I keep my walls up.
"who did? I did? I didn't, I literally never would say anything like that, I have always supported you, the way that no one ever did. You're special to me, okay?"
"Someone else cares about me too, don't think you are the only one, okay?"
A few thuds came from the fight outside. Ugh disturbing.
"Well, still! I was there for you,and you just leave me right now? What happened? Why are you doing this?? Why..?"
"You don't need to know!" I yell at him.
"You have other girls , you don't fucking need me, stop lying.."
"I'm not.. I'm a hero and not supposed to be interacting with a villain like this, you know? All of the people even students from grade 1 were shocked to know how you just went off and became a villain, you had that in you all the time, huh?"
"I did, yeah. This rage, is power. You don't get it keigo, all your parents did was kinda just..steal and yell at you. MINE WAS WAY MORE TRAGIC! Those memories last for a long time, a long time and I will not forget about them.at all. It makes dark shadows and a lot of walls for people, get used to it. Mind your own business, keigo."
"It's not like i don't understand your child traumas or whatever, it's just that, you could maybe be a bit more considerate about what I want and what I need.. and I need you, by my side, fighting and together with me, don't you understand? What's wrong with you? I don't understand--.."
I walk away and he keeps following me. He reaches for my arm and I let him hold onto it, might be the last time we will never touch again.
A super loud thud comes and a loud crash thunders at the battle ground near.
But, keigo's voice was the loudest..
"You can be together with me in this, just trust me, I..I don't know anymore, I just didn't want you to be turn out as a hated hero like your dad, so I thought I would tell yo--."
"Don't tell me I am going to turn out like my dad, he's very, low, he has stooped to the lowest level possible and I..am not going there. I'm better than him, a lot."
"I know, but..ugh!" He shivers from the cold.
I give him my scarf and rolls my eyes.
He is silent for moment and smiles at me.
His smile is warm enough for me.

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